
Monday, July 23, 2012

Phone Photo Fun Monday

Pictures currently on my iPhone... (BTW, thanks to PicMonkey for the awesome effects and borders. I'm addicted to that website now.)
I was searching for WiFi one day and had to laugh at what someone had named their WiFi connection. :)

Someone on Twitter wanted to know how many Steve Avery cards I own so I took a picture for him. Is 81 a little much?

I haven't bought a Beckett in years but with these two on the cover, I couldn't NOT buy it.
The things that trend on Twitter make me laugh. This topic was quite hilarious. If you don't know what 50 Shades of Grey is, don't ask. No really, don't. You really don't want to know. And don't Google it if you are under the age of 18!

Enjoying a "slushie" at Taco Cabana

My friend Mel and I won tickets to see Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat at Wyly Theater in Dallas. We had great seats!
 Me and Mel waiting for the play to start
Me and the actor who portrayed Joseph

On Saturday my friends Rich and Laura were tweeting about breakfast at Whataburger. I decided I needed a breakfast taquito! :)
This was left on my desk at work. I don't know who "me" is.
The comment my sweet niece left me on my blog post last week! :)
Have a great day everyone!



  1. Something is wrong here. YOUR niece is so nice and tells you you look 16. Mine are making fun of my jiggly bits and they are only 8. I don't understand. I spoil them rotten and am such a push over. LOL

  2. That wifi account name is too funny!

  3. I love when I encounter crazy wifi names! My favorite that I've seen is FBI Van #1.

  4. lol. Love these!

    I probably told you before that when I was 19 I had a whole shoebox full of baseball cards: San Francisco Giants, NY Yankees, LA Dodgers, etc. All the really great players. My mom threw them out when I was in Bolivia for a year. I would be a wealthy woman today if I still had those baseball cards! A neighbor, about my age, sold a few baseball cards about 5 years ago and bought a new pickup truck with the proceeds.


    Moral of the story? Don't take your eyes off those baseball cards! But you might want to diversify a bit. hehe

  5. AnonymousJuly 23, 2012

    Haha that is one way to keep people from getting on your personal wifi.
