
Monday, July 2, 2012

Did You Miss Me?

Thank you to everyone who has sent me emails or tweets letting me know that you miss my posts. I have truly missed blogging! And I have missed reading all of your blogs! Thanks for all the concerns, I'm fine (physically at least). Mentally I might be a little loopy! :) For about the past month my job has been absolutely brutal. I've been working a lot of overtime and to be honest, the last thing I wanted to do once I got home was get on my computer. And it seemed any time I was free on the weekends, I wasn't at home (I know you are all shocked that I was busy). :)

I won't overload you with a full recap of the past month in this one post, I'll spread it out some.

A few weekends ago my folks were in town to spend Father's Day weekend with me. My mom was very excited because she got to go to not one, not two, but THREE Rangers games that weekend (she usually just gets to go to about one a year). She was a little disappointed that Josh Hamilton was in the hospital so he couldn't play (he's her favorite player), BUT she was thrilled that they won all three games. My mom is now five-for-five when attending a Rangers game. They seem to like winning when she's there (we need to get her to more games!)

Game One
Game Two
Game Three (my dad is wearing his new Rangers cap he got for Father's Day!) :)
The Rangers provided excellent service. They picked us up at the parking lot in a golf cart, took us to the front gate, got my mom in a wheelchair, and took us all the way to our seats (my mom has to walk with a cane so they were nice enough to wheel her in). Then after the games they took us back to my car. We seriously couldn't have asked for better service!

On the golf cart from the parking lot to the Ballpark
This is Leland. He actually wheeled my mom out all three games from our seat to the cart pick up location outside the Ballpark. He was super nice! We felt like old friends by the third game!
That weekend was also fun because my folks and I got to have dinner with my high school piano teacher (he was also the piano player at the church I grew up in). We hadn't seen him in a number of years. He just happen to be at a conference in Dallas that weekend so he was able to meet up with us. I wish I had kept up playing the piano (I wasn't that great, but I enjoyed it). He is seriously one of the best piano players I've ever heard, no lie!

Me and Dr Hughston
I hope to blog again tomorrow!! It's time to get back in my habit of updating it at least 4 or 5 times a week! Love y'all!!



  1. Glad you are back to blogging

  2. Glad you're back girl! :)

    The pics of you and your parents are so adorable!
