
Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Blog Challenge 2012- Day 6 & WILW

Day 6: What is the hardest thing you have ever experienced?

Okay, I really don't like today's challenge. It's too sad, so I'll keep this short. I guess the hardest thing I've experienced is the passing of my brother-in-law, Jack. He and I were really close. In April of 1999 he was diagnosed with a brain tumor. He passed away that September at the age of 38. I dedicated a blog post to him a few years ago, go here to read it. I can't retype it, I'll start crying (no really, I will).

My brother-in-law Jack "sweeping me off my feet" at his wedding in 1988 (I was a junior bridesmaid).

Okay, I can't leave today's post all sad like this, so I'm going to give you a edition of What I'm Loving Wednesday!

I'm loving...

These awesome gifts that my friends gave me!

My friend Laura made this box for me (she painted it in Rangers colors and put a Texas "T" on top.) She also got me some Rangers earrings. It's funny, I almost bought this exact pair at a game a few weeks ago but I decided to wait. I'm glad I did! :) 

I posted about this yesterday, but again, here is the Rangers cap Julie (pictured next to me), Laura, and Monica got me. I love it!
My friend Chris went to the Rangers game against the Astros in Houston a few weeks ago. The giveaway that night was a Nolan Ryan bobblehead (for those non baseball fans- Nolan played for the Astros before going to the Rangers). Chris was sweet enough to give me the one he got. Weehoo!
My friend Paul lives in Atlanta and mailed me this Braves program that has an article about Chipper Jones (my second baseball crush).
I'm loving...

The latest pictures of my great-nephews C and E. Their faces make any bad day I'm having so much better!!

I'm loving...

That only in Texas can a traffic jam be caused by cows on the highway.

I'm loving...

This picture of my best friend's little girl Miss E. She's wearing the Josh Hamilton shirt that Aunt Rachel got her for her birthday. I think I have created another Rangers fan (well, I'm going to do everything in my power to turn her into one). :)
I'm loving...

Funny stuff on Pinterest (shameless plug, follow me on Pinterest here.)

FYI, this is why I don't jog! ;)
Have a great day y'all!!


  1. I had a similar problem when I did my blog challenge. Sad blogs are no fun and I couldn't write about that loss again. I think that is only required once in a lifetime.
    I love that hat on you! I don't know if you know this but you look really cute in hats. ;)

  2. AnonymousJune 07, 2012

    I wish I had met Uncle Jack. He sounds amazing and I'm really sorry I never got the chance to meet him (or at least meet him and remember it).

  3. That pic of cows on the highway never ceases to make me giggle. Hehehe

  4. Hi Rachel, I missed the post about your brother in law. I am sorry. Those heartaches just don't go away, only lessen somewhat over time. That's a darling photo of you as a junior bridesmaid. It looks like Jack was really a lot of fun.

    I've missed you. What's happening there?
