
Wednesday, May 30, 2012

What I'm Loving Wednesday

I'm loving...

Life. I'm sad that I've been so busy that I've fallen behind on my blog updating and blog posts reading, but I can't honestly say I'm sad that I've been too busy to blog because I've been out doing things. Don't get me wrong, I love all of you and I miss reading your posts. I promise to catch up one of these days! Don't give up on me!!

I thought I would post some pictures of what I've been up to while I've been M.I.A. from the blogging world.
A friend of mine got me a blu-ray player for my birthday (no, I didn't have one before that, I'm behind on technology). This player allows you to stream Netflix, HuluPlus, YouTube and Pandora radio on your TV. I may never leave my room again! :)
My friends Robert and Brandon came over Friday to go to dinner and help me hook up the blu-ray player to my internet router. Brandon also bought me my first blu-rays, To Kill A Mockingbird and West Side Story!
Saturday I went to the Rangers game with some friends. Casting Crowns held a concert before the game- they are awesome!
Me and the lovely Laura. I know, we are adorable in our matching caps.
Trish also looks adorable in her Rangers cap!
Our view of the stage.
Ran into my friend Matt at the game.
Me and the BFF Brandy. Her birthday was a few days before mine, we always try and go to a game around our birthdays. The Rangers were out of town on our actual birthdays, so we had to wait until they got back.
View from our seats.
Texas Legends race- Sam Houston won.
Brandy had to leave after the 6th inning, so I moved over to sit by Trish and Laura in the new center field seats.
The new seats are also right by the Rangers bullpen.
During the 10th we moved a little closer to sit with friends of Trish. Sadly my phone died in the top of the 13th so I missed getting a picture of Josh Hamilton's walk off home run in the bottom of the 13th.
I had lunch with a friend on Sunday at this Italian place in Fort Worth called Patrizio. I had never been there before- it was really good!! I highly recommend it!
I know you won't believe it, but I was back at the Ballpark on Monday. :) I sat in the Lexus Club level, they were great seats! I got the tickets thanks to my Twitter addiction and :)
Boomstick. A Nelson Cruz home run!
Enjoying a Rangers win!
I was able to meet my Twitter friend Crystal after the game! Love meeting my Twitter peeps!
Last night I was SO FORTUNATE to have tickets to see Dick Van Dyke and The Vantastix. I have now seen him act, sing, and dance live and in person. As you know, he's my FAVORITE actor!
A view from our seats.
Me and my buddy Aaron before the show
Yes, I was giddy. I know, I'm a nerd.
Sadly I couldn't get pictures during the show, but here is a video I found on YouTube of the group singing the theme song to The Dick Van Dyke Show (yes, the intro song had words, they just weren't sung on the show). :)

I really enjoyed the concert, I even bought their CD!! :)

Thanks for sticking with my long recap. Hoping to be back to my usual updating/reading soon!



  1. I don't have a blu-ray player. And I'm really in no rush to get one. I know I'm lame that way. :)

  2. I love my streaming blu-ray player!! And yay for Dick Van Dyke. I know how excited you must have been. :)

  3. I am so happy that you are loving your life right now. That is the most important thing.
    Twitter: @GlamKitten88

  4. I love Nate's blu-ray! Especially the netflix part :)

    I love that you get to meet twitter friends at the games!

  5. You have been busy! I really don't know how you go to so many games. I would be so exhausted!
