
Wednesday, May 23, 2012

What I'm Loving Wednesday- Birthday edition!

I'm loving..
That for the first time in almost A WEEK I'm finally updating my blog!

I'm loving...
All the birthday messages I've received today via Twitter, Facebook, email and texts. My friends and family sure do know how to make a gal feel special. My mom even called and sang "Happy Birthday" to me. :) Thank you so much, I love you all. I'm calling this the "Year of Nolan Ryan's jersey number". If you know baseball, I just gave away my age. If you don't, I'm going to lie and tell you I'm 25. ;) Sorry I couldn't post all of my messages, that would take way too long and it would make this post insanely long. :) I have read them all and do truly appreciate them!

Picture and message my sister Mary posted on my Facebook page. And for the record, ONLY my sister can call me Boog. :)
Even local businesses on Twitter know it's my birthday! ;) They sent me a coupon for a free meal!

I'm loving...
The birthday crown my sister Mary gave me. She told me to wear it at my desk, so I have been! ;)

Just call me "Your Majesty". :)

I'm loving...
My friends. Over the past few months I've hit some "blah" moments here and there, but my friends are always there to pick me up when I'm feeling down! Love y'all!!

Dinner with my baseball homegirls
Group picture of friends at dinner
Mis Amigas!
Getting birthday pedicures with one of my besties (hers was last weekend). I wish I had a good picture of the necklace she gave me. It's beautiful (her hubby helped pick it out- he did a good job!) :)
My friend Derek took me to Texas de Brazil last night (for an early birthday dinner). It was SO GOOD. I was a little pig. Make that a big pig. I ate so much. I love any place that lets me have all I can eat steak. The lamb was also good. As was the pork. And Brazilian sausage. And chicken. I'm getting hungry thinking about it.
I'm loving...
This sign my friend Donny got me. This is a phrase that I say a lot! :)
This pillow case that my friend Paula made me
This purse that my friend Martha made me.
I'm loving...
That my boss decorated my office area today. 

My home away from home

I'm loving...
That I found an Audrey Hepburn movie I didn't own on sale at Barnes and Noble.

This is a great movie!
I'm loving...
This video of a father and daughter dancing. It's greatness!!

Hope everyone has a great day! One of these days I'm going to get back to my usual blogging updating/reading. I miss all of you!!



  1. I found your blog through your post at Belated Happy Birthday!

    I love your pink crown & I also love the sign your friend Donny gave you.

    Love your blog & I hope to read more of your entries. Hope you can visit mine as well.

    Thanks :)

  2. Hope your birthday was fabulous!
