
Monday, May 14, 2012

My Weekend: A Review in Pictures

Hope all of you mothers out there had a great Mother's Day! I actually surprised my mom by going home on Thursday (she wasn't expecting me until Friday night). As always, I had a great weekend with my family. I left right after lunch yesterday to speed hurry back to the Metroplex for the Rangers game. Yes, my family is aware of my baseball obsession- where do you think I get it from? :) I thought I would share some pictures from my weekend adventures!
Part of my mom's Mother's Day present. Oh yes, she loved it!
Always love seeing my great-nephews. E is all smiles! :) He likes to look at himself on my camera phone.
C has become a fan of sticking out his tongue instead of smiling for pictures. I think his father has something to do with this! :)
Kisses for Aunt Rachel (it was a little slobbery, but sweet).
C was helping his Meme with her flowers.
Aunt Rachel showing E that she can stick out her tongue too in pictures.
On Friday I spent most of the afternoon on my parents front porch reading a book. I was so wrapped up in the book I didn't notice it had started raining at one point!
My mom with four of her six children on Mother's Day.
Jesse and Aunt Rachel
My birthday is next Wednesday. This memory box was a gift from my sister Martha! :)
This sports can was a gift from my sister Mary.
Inside the can was everything I need for watching baseball- Cracker Jacks, sunflower seeds, candy, and gum. She even included a pack of baseball cards. Oh yes, my sisters know me so well! :)
Last night at the game, the first 25,000 got a pink shirt with the Rangers logo from the 70s on it. I actually like this logo. Can't say I'm a huge fan of pink, but hey, it was for Mother's Day and it was free. :)
On Saturday at the game the giveaway was a replica 1970s cap. Shout out thank you to my good friend Laura for getting an extra one for me since I was at my folks!
My Rangers homegirls- Monica, Laura, Lyn and Julie! Love these ladies!
Some of the Rangers players had their moms there- they were honored before the game. Click here for the video of that.
So the guy in the light blue shirt must have season tickets next to us. We have seen him at a least three games. Each game he has had a different girl with him. From the conversation we heard while eavesdropping minding our own business, he made it seem like he had never brought another girl to a game before. He seems nice though, despite his "player" lifestyle. He would give high fives after every Rangers run. The girl he was with last night at least knew baseball, she and I talked for a little bit about how Nolan Ryan could probably still throw a baseball 90 miles per hour.
Lovely Rangers fans!
We realized halfway through the game that the T on the field was pink in honor of Mother's Day.

So the kid in front of us was wearing an Angels shirt (that is the team we were playing. For those of you who don't know baseball, the Angels are the enemy, don't let their heavenly name fool you). Every time my friends and I would cheer for the Rangers he would turn around and roll his eyes at us. At one point I had to keep a friend of mine (who shall remain nameless) from flicking his ear. He definitely had an attitude on him!

Hope everyone had a great weekend!!


  1. Yay for early birthday gifts and free stuff from the Rangers! Your nephews are so cute. Glad you had a fun weekend.

  2. That sport can is AMAZING! I am dying!

  3. AnonymousMay 14, 2012

    Ha Ha. I thought at the first of the game that the 'T' looked very faded. About 1/2 way through the game, I figured out it was pink!
    I had a kid sitting beside me that was keeping score & seemed very smart talking about the game & players. Maybe it was the fact that he was a Rangers fan & not an Angels fan that made him seem smart. ;-)

  4. YOu have the cutest rangers stuff!

  5. I love that retro logo!!!! Not so much on a pink shirt, but hey-- free is free. :)
