Monday, May 7, 2012

I'm Alive!

I'm alive...barely. I can't even begin to describe how busy I was last week (all work related). I promise to catch up on all of your blog posts at some point this week (although it's looking like this week is going to be just as busy). :/ I just wanted to post something real quick so you knew I was alive!

Here is a recap in pictures on what I've been up to when I'm not screaming obscenities crying into a pint of Blue Bell pulling my hair out at my office.
Bought some new Rangers sweat pants (well, they are sweat capris actually).
After a Twitter post on Monday that I was on the verge of crying, my friend Monica sent me a text with this picture of my "god-bird" Kappy. She's a sweet bird, except when she jumps on Aunt Rachel's head. This picture did make me smile though!
Even though work was awful, I still managed to workout when I got home. I couldn't find a pair of socks one day, so I pulled out my gym socks from junior high. Yes, I still have them, and yes, I can still wear them. Sad I know. But I was looking pretty cute sporting the high socks!
My friend Laura and I went to a Dallas Baptist University baseball game last week. It was fun! The best part was when the sprinklers came on during the middle of the game.
Went to Chick Fil-A on Friday with my friend Aimee. The sunset was so pretty that I had to take a pic!
Some friends and I went to the Kimbell Art Museum and the Modern Art Museum in Fort Worth on Saturday. This statue is outside the Kimbell and Aaron and I were trying to figure out what it was. We all loved the Impressionism exhibit that was inside! It's here through June- I recommend going to see it! No cameras are allowed in the Kimbell so sadly I didn't get any pictures. But I was excited to see some Monet and Renoir pieces live and in person!
I can't say that we appreciated the Fort Worth Modern Art Museum as much as the Kimbell (but the Modern was a museum in DFW I had never been to, so I can update my 101 in 1001 list with that!) This was one of the pieces of art in the modern museum. It looks like something my 2 year old nephew E could do.
Here Aaron and I are trying to figure out what we are looking at (it was a ladder that went from the ground to the ceiling.) I think we missed what the meaning of the piece was. I personally think the artist wasn't hugged enough as a child, but that is just my opinion.
Every time a bell rings, an angel gets her wings...
Now Andy Warhol I can appreciate. At least I know I'm looking at a painting of Marilyn Monroe.
There was a sign that said not to take a picture of this piece, so of course, I found that as a challenge (I know, I know, I'm a rebel). I was sneaky in how I was holding my phone so I could snap a picture. There were museum employees everywhere watching our every move (I'm honestly surprised we didn't get kicked out!)
No, a light fixture didn't fall. this is art. I'm serious. A light plugged into a wall socket is art. I don't get. I just don't get it.
We ate a late lunch at the Love Shack, they have awesome burgers. And it was a restaurant I had never been to before so that is another thing I can update my 101 in 1001 list with!
We ended our fun-filled day by seeing The Avengers. AWESOME movie. I highly recommend it! I may go see it again!
For you ladies who don't like action/comic book movies, maybe this will help persuade you to see the movie: Captain America and Thor. But I honestly would have liked it even if these guys weren't in it! :)
Me and my buddies! Mel was so busy taking pictures I think this is one of the few that she's actually in. We had reserved tickets for the movie (at the Studio Movie Grill), so we didn't have to stand in the long line. We just waited until they called us up. I must say, that is the way to go on Opening Weekend of a popular movie!

I hope everyone is doing well and again, I will be reading your blog posts soon! I promise!


  1. They have Monet and Renoir at the Kimbell?? How did I not know this? I love those two. I hope they'll still be there in two weeks, and I'll make Donny take me! :)

  2. I knew you would like Kimbell. I love it way more then DMA. I have ever since I saw my first Picaso exhibit there. He is my favorite.

  3. Looks like a fun weekend. Busy at work and no time for blogging blah!

  4. So glad you're alive, Rachel!!! Love all the photos. But I still don't know what you guys see in Chick Fil-A. We don't have them up here...and there's a reason. LOL

  5. Love those Rangers sweats, they look comfy! I also love that sunset pic at Chick-Fil-A, so pretty! I can definitely appreciate Andy Warhol :)

  6. AnonymousMay 08, 2012

    Where is this love shack place?? Looks amazing!!!

  7. Love your modern art thoughts. :)

    We saw the Avengers this weekend. Not my normal type of movie, but I really enjoyed it! It was funny!
