
Wednesday, April 4, 2012

What I'm Loving Wednesday

First of all, thanks to everyone who sent emails/tweets/texts checking in on me during the tornadoes we had in the Dallas/Fort Worth area yesterday. We were sent to our storm shelters at work for almost an hour. Thankfully my office building and my apartment did not receive any damage. I was fortunate enough to have power when I finally got home from work. I know there were thousands of people without power close to where I live. Last I heard, no deaths have been reported (thank God), but many homes and buildings were destroyed.

Truck trailers being tossed around like toys, this happened just down the road from where I live. Photos courtesy of
This tornado touched down just down the road from me. Photo courtesy of

I'm loving... 
That I got my closet organized this weekend. I didn't get a before picture, but here are some after shots!
Oh yes, I have a floor in there! It's a miracle!!
I'm loving...
My first pedicure of the season. I was wearing a Rangers shirt (I know you are shocked), so the lady who was painting my toenails tried to match the colors on the shirt.

I love pedicures!
I know, I have long toes.
I'm loving...
That my hair is finally long enough to go into ponytails and pigtails (hey, it's the little things that make me happy). Some of you may remember I cut almost 10 inches of hair off last year to donate to Pink Heart Funds (click here for that post). I went for a motorcycle ride with my friend B last week and was able to sport this look for the ride (yes mom, I wore a helmet!) Pigtails work well with the helmet. Sorry I didn't get a picture of me on the bike. Next time I will!

I'm loving...
That Opening Day is THIS FRIDAY!! I will be at the Ballpark all weekend (again, I know you are shocked)! :) If you are out there and see me, say howdy!

I'm loving...
That I'm getting to meet up with some Twitter friends this weekend. I'm looking forward to it! :) Do you tweet? Follow me here.

What are YOU loving today?



  1. Love your pedi! I so need to go get one of those done. :D

    Glad you are safe!

  2. Those pics are insane!! I'm glad to hear you are okay.

    Congrats on getting your closet organized...don't you just want to hang out in there now =)

    ♥ Shia

  3. Glad you're okay! I was thinking about you and was so relieved to see you had tweeted. :)

  4. Yay for baseball. And double yay for you being safe from the storm.

  5. Your hair looks SO adorable in pigtails!
