
Monday, April 9, 2012

It's Baseball Time in Texas!

I could go on and on about how much fun I had at the Ballpark this weekend for Rangers Opening Weekend OR I could just post pictures of my adventures. Since I'm feeling lazy, I think I'll just post pictures. And yes, I'm going again tonight to the game (for those playing along at home, that will be game number four of the season for me). I'll catch up on sleep another time (I may or may not be running on less than 5 hours of sleep since I got home late from the game last night).
Me and my tailgating crew...

View from my season ticket holder seat
Me and my baseball homegirls (you will see LOTS of pictures of them over the next 7 months!)
The flyover during the National Anthem. I got this shot on accident. I couldn't see because of the sun and I just aimed my camera at the sky!

I always love running into friends at a Rangers game!

On Saturday some Lady Rangers fans met up for lunch at Chuy's. It was a lot of fun! We hope to do it again!

Our poor waiter, Colton. He had to put up with 21 women. If you are ever at Chuy's in Arlington, ask for him. He's a super nice guy!
Tailgating again on Saturday. Got to meet some awesome friends from Twitter!

Got to meet the great Chuck Morgan (the voice of the Rangers). When you go to the game, he's the one who announces the players as they come up to bat. He starts the game by saying, "It's Baseball Time in Texas". :)
Our view Saturday night (this game wasn't part of our 20 pack deal, we bought it separately).
Guess I have to lay off the Chick Fil-A milkshakes- I broke my seat! :(
We were able to see the Rangers get their AL Championship rings!
The BFF was there with friends- we met up towards the end of the game.
Despite heavy rain storms all afternoon on Sunday (see warning on my TV and my flooded parking lot above), the game still went on that night! Again, we weren't in our regular seats. We were one section over from where we were Saturday night (still on the back row though).
It was a lot cooler up at the top than we thought it would be after the rain storms. I was "forced" to buy a Rangers blanket from the gift shop!
My lovely fellow Rangers fans!
I was able to meet another Twitter peep Sunday night!
My own AL Championship trophy for being such an awesome fan (okay, so me and 29,999 other people got one as well, but hey, let me think I'm special!) :)
Hope you enjoyed the pictures! I'm looking forward to another 7 months of baseball!! Have a great day y'all!!



  1. You are crazy! Can't believe how many games you've gone to already. Book a flight to come to Boston when TX is here!
