
Wednesday, March 7, 2012

What I'm Loving Wednesday!

I'm loving...

That in less than 9 hours I will be on a plane to Arizona for my Rangers Spring Training Trip! Weehoo!! My goal is to get as many pictures with the players as I can (I prefer that to autographs, although autographs are nice too).
Just some baseball players who have had the pleasure and honor of meeting me. Starting at the top, l-r: Craig Gentry, Derek Holland, Ian Kinsler, Josh Hamilton (okay, so I'm not really having my picture WITH him, but it's the closest thing I have), David Murphy, Jarrod Saltalamacchia (I know, he's no longer with the Rangers, but I miss him! And he's a cutie!) :)
I'm loving...

The musical Million Dollar Quartet. Some friends and I saw it last night at Music Hall in Fair Park. It is based on the fame recording session that included Jerry Lee Lewis, Carl Perkins, Johnny Cash and Elvis Presley. For more about the musical, click here. If you live in Dallas, I recommend going to see it, it's so worth it. I think it's here through the weekend, check the Dallas Summer Musicals website here. I have to say the kid who played Elvis was awesome, he even looked A LOT like him. He had mad dancing skills too. I loved that all the actors were also musicians who played their own instruments. The guy portraying Jerry Lee Lewis nailed the piano playing. He probably could have stood on his head and played the piano. Here are some videos of the cast that I found via their website:

I'm loving...

That I will be off work until next Wednesday (can you tell I have nothing but VACATION on my brain today?)

Since I will be away from a computer until next Tuesday, this is my last blog post for a week. Try not to miss me too much!! I promise to post LOTS of pictures from my trip when I get back! If you just can't wait until then, you can follow me on Twitter here, I will upload pictures as often as I can! :)



  1. I think you're due for a vacation, Rachel, and it sounds like it can't come a minute too soon. I'm enjoying the excitement I read in this post!! ♥

  2. I liked Salty too but I think we're better off now with Napoli/Torrealba. Enjoy your vacation! We have Spring Break next week.

  3. Love the rangers although I've never been to a game!

  4. Exactly where is your hand in that Craig Gentry photos? 0:)
    I am so happy to get to see all these photos on Facebook, Twitter, and in your blog! Go Rachel!!!

  5. I am so happy for you- you deserve a great vacation and I think Arizona is the PERFECT place for it! Cannot wait to hear about your fun time! Be safe!

  6. Guess WON my giveaway! Email me so I can get your address!!


    ♥ Shia
