
Thursday, March 22, 2012

Spring Training Trip 2012 Recap-PART FOUR

For all of you who don't care about baseball, I promise next week I'll be back to my "normal" posts. I can't promise I won't mention baseball every day now and then though! ;) When I start working on my Spring Training scrapbook, this online recap will come in handy!! :)

Sunday (Day 4) we were back at the practice fields in hopes of getting more pictures of the players. We made it to the fields about 30 minutes before the gate open, so we were near the front of the line to get in. The man behind us starting asking questions on the best places to get pictures and autographs, so we shared what little knowledge we had from that Friday. We found out he was from the Dallas area, he and his kids had made the 18 hour car drive to Surprise (eek!) His daughter wasn't at the practice fields, but his little boy (maybe 5 or 6) was there with him (and super excited). 
Waiting with Ashley for the gates to open
Me and Tonya!
Thanks again to Tonya and Ashley for getting awesome pictures during the practice and game! My scrapbook is going to rock! And thanks to those who took pictures of me with the different players (I'm a trusting person just handing my iPhone over to a stranger to snap a picture!) :) 
Michael Young and Ian Kinsler at batting practice
New Rangers pitcher Yu Darvish (he just came over here from Japan). There were so many people pushing so this was the best picture I could get on my phone.
I love Elvis! :)
Pitcher Mark Hamburger
Outfielder Conor Jackson
Sadly I couldn't get one with Craig Gentry, this was as close as I got. He was signing for little kids and had to leave before I could ask him. Again, not going to push kids out of the way for a picture! :)
Pitcher Joe Nathan
Pitcher Mike Adams
Got a better picture with catcher Mike Napoli.
Before the game we waited along the front row where the players walked by on their way to the dugout. We made conversation with a family waiting for the players (the wife and I are now Twitter friends!) Their kids were hoping for their first baseball autograph. At one point Ian Kinsler was walking down the field signing. They were both so excited- I'm so glad Ian was able to sign for them! The look on their faces was priceless! We were sad to leave the game because we knew it was the last Spring Training game we were going to. We had to leave to go home to Dallas the next day. We decided to go out for one more dinner in Surprise. We ate at this Mexican restaurant called Macayo's- the food was pretty good but our waitress was not that great. Once we got back to the hotel, we started packing so we wouldn't feel rushed the next morning. I tell about our last day in Surprise (including how we almost missed our flight home) tomorrow!!
Ian signing autographs (the two kids in front of me are the ones I was talking about!)
A rare Michael Young autograph signing
Leaving the stadium
Dinner at Macayo's
Dinner at Macayo's
For more pictures of Day 4, click here.



  1. Great pics. Looks like so much fun.

  2. Holy Cow! I can't believe how up close and personal you were with them. I'd die and go to heaven being that close to the Yankees :) Lucky you!

  3. I am loving these updates- even though I am reading them backwards;-) They are making me a tad bit homesick! I hope you tried the queso from Macayos, it is SO YUMMY! I got food poisoning from that place the one time I went there but still had to get their queso at a Diamondbacks game the next week, ha!
