
Monday, March 5, 2012

Phone Photo Fun Monday

Back by popular demand (okay, not really, I just didn't have any other post ready for today), I'm linking up with Savannah for Phone Photo Fun Monday! :)

Me and my sweet friend Jaimie at our friend's birthday party a few weeks ago.
I met Cowboys wide receiver Jesse Holley last week.
My new T-shirt, courtesy of the greatest sports show in the Metroplex, The Ben and Skin Show!
E bringing me flowers that he picked from his front yard.
C and his momma working on his batting skills (he actually hits very well for a 3 year old).
C and E going for a ride in their Meme's convertible (just around the yard).
Yes, I take a lot of pictures of the boys when I go visit them! This is E's famous smile. Try getting mad at him when he's doing that! That little turkey! :)
I guess this was C's way of telling Aunt Rachel to stop taking pictures!
My folks' front yard Sunday morning. It was like a scene from a Hitchcock movie!!
Once again I have a flooding issue at my apartment complex. They will never learn.
One of my co-workers knows that I like toe socks, so she bought me these!
Well friends, this is the week. My trip to Arizona for Rangers Spring Training is THIS Wednesday!! Needless to say, I'm beyond excited!! Be prepared for pictures "a plenty" next week!!



  1. Such cute little guys!! :) And I HAAAAAAAAAAAAATE the flooding at the apartments! Every morning when I'm there, I have to splash around and get totally soaked to get to the car. Lol.

  2. You are so pretty, Rachel. I love your nephews- they are so cute. And the toe socks? FANTASTIC. I need to find me some of those! I thought of you the other day because I went on a trip with my dad (he hauls nice cars) and we delivered a lot of cars to major league baseball players who were transporting their cars for spring training!

  3. Glad the birds didn't getcha! :-) Sweet photos of the little guys. Flowers and green grass? sigh. I'm so jealous!

  4. What's w/ the flood? How long will you be in AZ for? It will be a nice break from work for you I'm sure!

  5. Great photos this week! Cute pictures of the boys!
