
Wednesday, February 15, 2012

What I'm Loving Wednesday!

I'm loving...

That three weeks from today my friends Tonya, Ashley and I will be heading to Surprise, Arizona for our Rangers Spring Training trip! Wee-hoo! :)

I used our favorite Rangers players for the logo! ;) Thanks to Tonya for the pictures!

I'm loving...

That even the national media is going off on AT&T for slowing down the speed of unlimited data plan users. My friends and I may or may not be sending tweets to AT&T expressing our displeasure as well.

I'm loving...

The voicemail that the BFF left me yesterday. It made my day. :)

I'm loving...

Songs by my friend James David Carter. I absolutely love his voice. I'm hoping if I keep bugging him, he'll eventually come do a concert in Texas! ;) Click here for more videos of him singing! Follow him on Twitter here.

I'm loving...

That these pictures make me laugh really hard and cause me to forget that I'm having a bad awful challenging day.


I'm loving...

That even though I'm pretty sure this movie is going to be really terrible awful disgraceful bad, I get to see it for free and get a chance to hang out with my home girl Monica! AND we get to see Channing Tatum (well, we will see him in the movie, he won't be there in person, which is a shame). 

Couldn't risk someone printing this and trying to get in! :)
Happy Wednesday my friends! As always, thanks for reading! I really appreciate each and every one of y'all!!



  1. So excited for you and your trip!! I know you'll have a blast! :)

  2. You seem to get tickets to lots of fun and interesting events! So wish I was going on a spring break trip. You will have such a blast!

  3. Fun post, Rachel. You always make me smile and chuckle. :-)
