
Monday, February 13, 2012

Phone Photo Fun Monday

Currently in my iPhone picture album...

Me and my lovely friend Laura at the Rock and Worship Show Friday night.
Found this going through my baseball cards. I should have Wash sign this! For my non baseball followers, he's now the manager of my Texas Rangers. Yes, they are mine. ;)
One of the many reasons I love being in a carpool- hello HOV lane! No need to sit in that kind of traffic!
Weather conditions last night. It was snowing, but not cold enough to stick. Yes, we will be in the 70s on Wednesday. #TexasWinters
My love/hate relationship with AT&T continues. I still have the unlimited data plan (I've been a customer since 1999), but if I use it too much, they lower my connection speed. It means I can't watch Supernatural on Netflix on my phone at work. NOT THAT I WOULD, of course. ;) I'm not important enough here to have access to the company Wi-Fi account. :/
Saw this on Pinterest and took a screen shot of it. My personal feelings about Valentine's Day, or as I call it, "Single Awareness Day". Or in my case, "One Day Closer to Rachel Becoming the First Baptist Nun in History". 
My free sample of new Ricola cough/throat drops. Ricola saw me talking about them on Twitter one day and asked if they could send me a sample of their new flavor. Of course I said yes! Ah, the power of Twitter! :)
Another screen shot of a Pinterest pin. So very true. One day, one day...
And I was really wanting a boy toy too...rats! ;)
I wanted to end my post today with a tribute to Whitney Houston (I know, it seems everyone else is doing this, why should I be any different). Here are some of my favorite videos of her singing. R.I.P. Whitney.

One of my favorite performances of the National Anthem..

Wow, that's some make-up!

Gonna admit something here, I love this song, but I've never seen the movie The Bodyguard. Don't judge.

This was probably the first Whitney song I remember hearing when I was a kid.

Happy Monday lovelies!



  1. That is awesome you have a Ron Washington baseball card. Great pictures this week! Thanks for linking up.

  2. Enjoyed all the Whitney videos : ) and the McDonalds being out of boy toys photo...hilarious : )


  3. I read the entire post, but my mind is still stuck on the '72 degrees on Wednesday in Dallas' photo. I'll be there....

  4. Ok I didn't know AT&T did that!!! I always use Wifi at home so maybe that's why I never get those messages!!
    And I am so jealous of y'alls snow!! My mom lives in Ft. Worth and texted me when it started there!

  5. I have the unlimited package too b/c I've been a customer since my first cell phone way back when. I haven't gotten that msg from them yet but have heard about it and find it really frustrating!!!!
