
Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Tuesday Tunes

So today I've been listening to my 80s/90s country music playlist on YouTube. I miss the old school country sometime! All you country music haters stop wrinkling your noses at me. You know who you are (but I still love you)! ;) I thought I would share some of these videos with you for my Tuesday Tunes!

**Randomness With Rachel is not responsible for bad hairstyles, clothing or acting in any of these videos. Watch at your own risk. Thank you!**  

Ocean Front Property by George Strait (I know, this is a recent video of him singing it, I still like it)!
Funny story: One time when I was younger, a friend and I were listening to this song and she looked at me (with all seriousness) and said, "wait, there's no ocean in Arizona". I still tease her about that.

side note: Billy Dean follows me on Twitter. No really, look...

I was so excited about my Rangers FanFest recap yesterday I forgot to post my photo challenges. I have a few days to make up!

Day 14:  Something You're Reading- 206 Bones by Kathy Reichs (this series inspired the TV show Bones).

Day 15: Happiness- this picture of my sweet great-nephews E and C. I love seeing their adorable faces!

Day 16: Morning- I tried to get a picture of the sunrise this morning coming into work (for the record, no, I was NOT driving). :)
Sorry it's blurry, it was taken from the window of my carpool
Day 17: Water- I fill this thing up about 4 or 5 times a day with water (it holds 16 oz). I'm trying to be better about drinking more water.

Hope everyone has a great day! XOXO!


  1. I miss 90s country. So much. That's when George, Tim and Faith were their best, IMO.

  2. *love* your taste in music!!

  3. I love all of the songs you picked- especially Ocean Front Property. Seeing George Strait live is on my life list!
