
Monday, December 19, 2011

Twas the Week Before Christmas...

I just have to say that my A.D.D. is in full swing today, I don't want to work at all. Remember as a kid that feeling you got right before you went on Christmas break? Remember when it was called Christmas break? Yeah, that is me today. I don't want to do anything. But (in case my boss is reading this), I AM working on the reports that are due today (well, right now I'm on my lunch break updating my blog, but you know what I mean). I AM rocking out to Christmas music at my desk though, sporting my cute Santa hat. See, this is me right now:

I have no clue why I have that expression on my face.
Despite it being a Monday when I'm usually in my "Monday funk", I'm excited because it's almost Christmas and because I'm going to visit my folks this week. I can't concentrate (except on my reports for work, of course).

This past weekend I had a great time with friends. Friday night my buddy Aaron and I drove around looking at Christmas lights (it's become a yearly tradition). We stopped at Chili's first for dinner, where I had this:

My Christmas present from Aaron!! Yummy, thank you Jesus for cows! Oh, and thank you Aaron for paying!
We saw A LOT of beautiful houses and decorations. I refrained from rearranging manger scenes that had the wise men next to baby Jesus. You all know how I feel about that! I should have taken pictures of the houses (but I didn't think about it until after the fact). BUT, I did take a picture of my lovely balcony decorations. You can "ooh" and "ahh" now:

Saturday I went over to the BFF's house to watch Christmas movies. We watched It's A Wonderful Life (her husband's favorite Christmas movie- one reason I approved of him!) and A Jeff Dunham Christmas Special. I also got to see my sweet god-dogs.
They love their Aunt Rachel. Picture stolen from BFF's Facebook page.
Sunday a group of my friends and I went to Six Flags Over Texas to celebrate my friends Brandon and Lyn's birthdays (which are today- HAPPY BIRTHDAY YOU TWO CRAZY KIDS!) :) Since I still haven't been cleared by my chiropractor, I'm prohibited from going on roller coasters (so sad). BUT, I did ride the Merry-Go-Round. No, the horses didn't jump off, and no Julie Andrews and Dick Van Dyke were not there singing. Bummer.

I do love the Merry-Go-Round.
The lights were really pretty, Holiday in the Park at Six Flags is always a lot of fun! It was a bit on the cold side though. This is where my mother is going to yell at me because I wasn't wearing a hat out in the cold.

Lovely ladies at Six Flags
I plan on updating again this week, but in case something happens and I don't get a chance, MERRY CHRISTMAS TO YOU ALL!!



  1. I'm like you - it feels hard to work this week! I just want to play and have a Christmas break like the gold old days! I'm pretty sure I'll be good for nothing until after new years. (o:

    Love your decorated balcony!

  2. So sorry to hear you didn't find Dick VanDyke or Julie Andrews on the carousel. Better luck next time. :-) I want that steak!!!

  3. Have a very Merry Christmas sweet friend!

  4. Merry Christmas to you! For me, Monday wasn't so bad this week because it was the only day this week I had to work. From today, I am on vacation until 2012. :^) Have a great week.

  5. "Thank Jesus for cows" HA- you crack me up. Amen to that:-) How sad that you can't ride roller coasters right now! I can't either, but that was my choice in getting pregnant!
