
Tuesday, December 6, 2011

20 Years Later, We Still Remember...

I grew up in Austin and was 13 when the lives of these four teenagers were taken on December 6, 1991. One of them was a classmate's sister. It's hard to believe that today marks the 20th anniversary of their deaths. If you aren't familiar with who they are, you can read about it here (I'd rather not go into the details on my blog). I just wanted to take time to remember them today.

In loving memory of Amy Ayers, Sarah Harbison, Jennifer Harbison and Eliza Thomas. Forever in our hearts. We will not forget.


  1. Oh Rachel, what a horrible, horrible thing. I can't imagine being the parents of those girls and getting the call from the police. I don't think you ever get over things like that. God brings us through them so that we can survive, but losing a child must leave a scar forever on the hearts of the parents. I am glad you remembered them today.

  2. That is so sad. I cannot believe something like that happened at a place of business and that no one is in jail for the murders. So senseless.

  3. thanks for sharing this. they were beautiful girls, it is sad that people feel the need to take others lives. happy I found your blog today.
