
Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Thanksgiving confessions...

First of all, I wanted to wish all of you and your families a VERY HAPPY THANKSGIVING. I have so many things to be thankful for right now, and you my sweet friends, are on that list. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Y'all mean so much to me! XOXO!
Thanksgiving confessions and ramblings:

-I can only eat turkey at Thanksgiving if I have ketchup with it. I'm not a fan of gravy. I'm not the only one in my family who does that, so don't look at me like that! :)

-While we are talking about food, I also don't like cranberry sauce. Or anything pumpkin flavored (I think I just got disowned by one of my sisters).

-I sometimes hide the rolls so my 16 year old nephew doesn't eat all of them.

-I get really annoyed that the TV stations show more of the hosts and guests at the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade than the actual parade. I could care less what star of some soap opera I don't watch is there, I WANT TO SEE THE KERMIT THE FROG BALLOON! And the floats. And the marching bands. That is why it's called a P-A-R-A-D-E. If you want to talk to people for two or three hours, have a T-A-L-K S-H-O-W. I may or may not have written a letter to CBS one year expressing my displeasure of the broadcast. I never heard back. They obviously aren't aware of the wrath of Rachel. They can consider this their warning. I won't hold back if I'm displeased with the parade showing this year! :)

-After barely surviving a Black Friday shopping trip about 10 years ago, I told myself I would never do it again. NOTHING is worth that. NOTHING. I don't care how great the "sale" is. I can live without it! :)

-One of the highlights of my Thanksgiving weekend is watching It's A Wonderful Life with my sister Martha- it kicks off the official Christmas movie watching season! :)

-With Texas A&M leaving the Big 12 after this year, I'm wondering what Thanksgiving will be like without the traditional Texas vs Texas A&M football game.



  1. Turkey with ketchup? Really? That does not sound very yummy, but I will let you get away with it! I totally agree about the parades! I want to see Kermit too!

    Hope you have a fabulous Thanksgiving dear!

  2. hmmm turkey and ketchup...that is a new one i have never heard haha. As for It's A Wonderful Life... definitely agree with you there. Love that movie! *Sydney*

  3. nice post! thanks for sharing...God bless you

  4. I'm the same way about the parade. I don't care about Matt Lauer-- I want to see the floats and balloons!

    And I did venture out on Friday around noon-- got Psych DVDs for $8 each! :)
