
Monday, November 21, 2011

Confessions of a Pinterest Addict

Unless this is the first post you've ever read on my blog, you are aware of my obsession addiction passion love fondness of Pinterest. It's so funny because up until a few months ago, I had no clue what it was. It started when I noticed my fellow bloggers mentioning it. Then I saw people I follow on Twitter talking about it. At first I didn't think much of it, but my curiosity got the best of me and I finally took a sip of the Kool-aid, went to the website, just to see what it was all about. It took me a while to figure out what it meant to create a board and the whole "pinning" process, but after I got the hang of it, I went crazy. 

It's hard to explain in words what Pinterest is, but you might get the idea by checking out my page here. I thought today I'd give you a few samples of pins from some of my boards (click on the title to view the whole board).

I think I quote this daily!

So many of my friends will say Amen to this! ;)

I love this one- so true!

Source: via Rachel on Pinterest

What? This is a great book! :)
Source: via Rachel on Pinterest

Source: via Rachel on Pinterest

Source: via Rachel on Pinterest

So, you can basically "pin" any picture you want and put it on a "board". And you can arrange them however you want (and name the boards whatever you want). I know, it seems kinda silly, doesn't it? Just beware, I thought the same thing when I was first learning about Pinterest. I should have known better than to doubt my friends. When my friend first told me about the Twilight series, I thought she was crazy, and, well, look how I got sucked into that!! :) By the way yes, I enjoyed the Breaking Dawn movie on Friday night. I enjoyed it a lot more than the book (have I mentioned that book 4 was my least favorite of the series?) I can't wait for part 2 (which, from what I'm being told, won't come out until next November). I can't believe we have to wait a whole year!!

So anyways, for those of you who love crafts, Pinterest is perfect for you. You can find AWESOME craft ideas. I may or may not have spent more at Michael's in the past two months than I have in my entire life!

That is what Pinterest is "all about". For my fellow addicts, happy pinning!!

Before I forget, be sure to check out Neely and Amber's upcoming Holiday Blog Challenge! It starts next week!! :)

Fabulous Holiday Blog Challenge



  1. LOVE pinterest!! I really want to make the key holder-- that's super cute.

  2. LOL!! That 2nd Pin is my favorite! Definitely needs to be placed in my CAR! lol Thanks for sharing!!

  3. Don't be paranoid but I'm following you there too. ;)

  4. I can't get enough of Pinterest. Even though the site kind of screwed me over - TWICE. I think it's all fixed now, but yeah. Oh I LOVE IT!

  5. why were we not friends on pinterest? i'm following you now!!

  6. Thank you for posting about the challenge and I freaking love pinterest!
