
Monday, October 24, 2011

Manic Monday

I decided to steal borrow this little survey from my sweet homegirl Tonya. Hoping it takes my mind off this Manic Monday!

10 Places You Have Visited
1. Las Vegas, NV
2. New Orleans, LA
3. New York City, NY
4. Orlando, FL
5. Atlanta, GA
6. Mobile, AL
7. Santa Fe, NM
8. Phoenix, AZ
9. Greensboro, NC
10. Paris, TX

9 Items On Your Bucket List
1. Chase a tornado
2. Attend a baseball game at every MLB ballpark/stadium in the U.S. (and Canada)
3. Visit Europe
4. Swim with dolphins
5. Visit Disney World (or Disney Land). No, I've never been to either!
6. Publish one of my short stories
7. Visit Cooperstown (Baseball Hall of Fame)
8. Visit Graceland
9. Go snorkeling

8 Things You Love to Eat
1. Steak
2. Spaghetti
3. Chicken
4. Mashed potatoes (with melted cheese on top)
5. Tortellini
6. Pizza (can you tell I like Italian food?)
7. Macaroni and cheese 
8. Black eyed peas (am I the only person who loves them?)

7 Items Currently On Your Desk
1. Texas Rangers calendar (I know, you are shocked)
2. Hand sanitizer
3. Bottle of water
4. Wheat Thins (I was having a snack)
5. Kleenex
6. Day Planner
7. Reports for work

6 People (Not Living With You) That You Talk To/Text/Tweet At Least Once A Week
1. My mom
2. Monica
3. Katie
4. Khrystal
5. Brandon
6. Donny

5 Favorite Songs
1. God Bless the Broken Road- Rascal Flatts
2. Honey Bee- Blake Shelton
3. Give You Glory- Jeremy Camp
4. I Can Only Imagine- MercyMe
5. Old Alabama- Brad Paisley

4 Things You Cannot Get Through The Day Without
1. Brushing my teeth
2. Dr Pepper
3. My iPhone
4. Chapstick

3 Models of Vehicles You Have Owned
1. 1985 Ford LTD (thus starting my hatred of the Ford Motor Company)
2. 1996 Dodge Neon
3. 2001 Nissan Xterra

2 Physical Traits That Attract You to Someone:
1. Ears (okay, not really, but all my friends will be expecting to see that listed). I'll say eyes.
2. Smile

1. Word to Describe Yourself
1. Unique (it sounds nicer than weird!)

Have a great day y'all!!



  1. You're not the only one who loves black-eyed peas. I love them, too! They're my favorite bean/pea.
    Also, you definitely need to go to Disney World (or Land if you have to compromise) :-) Hope you have a great week!

  2. This is such a fun idea for a blog post! I love all of your fave foods EXCEPT for black eyed peas ;)

  3. This is fun, I love it! Cannot believe you haven't been to Disneyland, though!

  4. I don't see Taco Cabana on your list! Haha. I've seriously wanted a breakfast taco EVERY DAY since I had one. Oh well-- next time I'm there, I'm definitely having more!

    I totally expected to see ears on your list. ;)

    And I'm probably going to steal this, just fyi... :)

  5. Love this survey, fun to see your answers... might just have to borrow this one!

    Sorry about your Rangers... I was thinking of you. :(
