
Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Fabulous Fall Blog Challenge- Day 8 & What I'm Loving Wednesday

Fabulous Fall Blog Challenge

Day 8: Fall Travel/Road Trips/Vacations

Sadly I don't have anything planned this fall vacation wise. I think the last time I took a fall vacation was when I went to New York in 2007 (wow, I think I'm well over do for one!) :)

On my way to see Miss Liberty in 2007

I'm loving...

Baseball. Today is the last day of the regular season, BUT my Texas Rangers will be playing in October once again (hopefully until the end of October!) I mentioned the other day that the Rangers won the American League West Championship on Friday. I was fortunate enough to be at that game with some friends. The highlight of the game was when Craig Gentry (insert sigh) hit is first major league home run. And it was an inside the park home run!! So glad I got to see that in person. Hoping MLB lets me embed the video, if not, click here:

In order to win the AL West, the Rangers had to win and the LA Angels of Anaheim had to lose that night to the Oakland A's. The Rangers won about 10pm Texas time. The Angels game started at 9pm Texas time so it was still going on after the Rangers game ended. After the post game fireworks show, the Rangers put the Angels game on the jumbo tron for fans to stay and watch the game. Somewhere between 7,000-10,000 fans stayed to watch. A lot of the Rangers players and their families were on the field watching the game as well. At one point the Rangers fans were chanting "Let's Go Oakland". The Angels went on to lose their game 3-1, giving the AL West title to the Rangers for the second year in a row! I have about a 9 minute video on my iPhone of the celebration, but I haven't uploaded it to YouTube yet. Maybe sometime this week I'll do that. The Rangers were spraying Ginger Ale on each other (since Josh Hamilton and C.J. Wilson don't drink and avoid alcohol, out of respect, the Rangers spray Ginger Ale at first so everyone can participate in the celebration.) :) As we were leaving, they announced that AL West Champions shirts were on sale in the gift shop, so of course, we had to go get one!
The players celebrating with Ginger Ale. Photo courtesy of my friend Pam since I was filming it on my phone.
Celebrating with friends
Waiting in line for a shirt at the gift shop.
My new shirt, I like that the Ballpark is on it!

I'm loving...

That I'm on my way to hopefully working out on a regular basis again. I just got some new workout DVDs and so far, I like them. I like the instructor of this DVD much more than Jillian Michaels (of the 30 Day Shred). I'm sure I look silly doing some of these "dance" moves, but that is why I work out in the privacy of my own home by myself.

I joined Team Beach Body (well, the free portion of their website) and ordered  their Turbo Jam workout DVD. It came with free hand weights. Let's see if this works!
Happy halfway through the week my friends!



  1. Turbo jam has always looked so fun!! I knew that Josh Hamilton didn't drink but not CJ Wilson. Interesting!

  2. I have not heard of turbo slim will have to check it out!

  3. Keep me posted on how you like these DVDs. I like keeping a variety in my collection so I don't get in a rut. Right now I'm addicted to my Biggest Loser and Zumba Wii games.

  4. Oooh I love the shirts this year! I want one now :)
