
Monday, September 26, 2011

Fabulous Fall Blog Challenge- Day 6

Fabulous Fall Blog Challenge

Day 6: Fall TV

Well, I kinda covered this last Friday so I won't retype all of it (I'll admit it, I'm lazy). Check here for my opinions on the fall premieres of my shows. I was able to watch CSI: Miami last night. I'll be honest, if it wasn't for Adam Rodriguez, I'm not sure I'd still be watching this show. It seems the season finales and season premieres are the same thing every season. Horatio gets shot, Natalia's in trouble...blah blah blah. Although I can't remember Horatio putting on his sunglasses ONCE last night. Maybe I missed it.

Adam Rodriguez, AKA, Eric Delko
I haven't watched the premiere of Extreme Makeover: Home Edition yet (I'll be honest, I usually get about a month behind watching that one, I have to be sure I'm in the mood to sit and cry for an hour).

I did surprise myself and actually watched a new show, Person of Interest (I know, after all that talk of saying that I wasn't going to watch any new show, I went and watched one). It has Jim Caviezel (I love him) and Michael Emerson (who played Ben/Linus on LOST). It was pretty good. As of now, I'm going to continue watching it. It's about an ex-CIA hit man and a scientist who team up to prevent crimes before they happen. I think it has potential, we'll see what they do with it.

Person of Interest

I have to say this real quick (I'll talk more about it later this week, in a hurry today). Congrats to the Texas Rangers, 2011 American League West Champions!! Playoffs start Friday!! Wahoo!!


  1. i liked person of interest too! kinda freaks me out though but it was better than i thought. :)

  2. person of interest i'm giving a few weeks to see how it goes, but i must agree with you big bang and criminal minds were great!!

    and too YAY TEXAS RANGERS! they are my favorite too and i'm their season is extending. i'm glad the weather is getting cooler, because games during the summer were a beating.

  3. Didn't see PoI, but my dad loves it. As always, thanks for the Adam Rodriguez pic. ;)

  4. I absolutely love Michael Emerson and saw POI being filmed this summer in NYC, so I am already a fan!

  5. Congrats to the Rangers! I know you are happy!!

  6. Adam Rodriguez, ooh la la! ;)

  7. HA! Horacio and his sunglasses- SO FUNNY! You cracked me up with that because it is so true!

    We like Person Of Interest too- hopefully it stays good!
