
Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Fabulous Fall Blog Challenge- Day 2

Fabulous Fall Blog Challenge

Day 2: Fall Fashion

Thanks to my friend Katie, I have now become addicted to Pinterest. I have found SO MANY great fall outfits on there that I would LOVE to try out. Sadly, I don't have the money.

Now, I'm not sure about the scarf, but I love the jeans, boots and sweater!

Jessica Alba looks great in this outfit, wonder if I could pull it off?

Great outfit for work!

I really love the grey jacket.

Not 100 percent sure about the shirt, but I like the jacket!

I like this, but I'm not sure about the orange jacket though. Cute purse!

Okay, the earrings are not me, but I like the jacket. This looks very stylish, yet casual! Perfect for an afternoon date (you know, because I get SO MANY of those). ;)

Another comfortable looking outfit!

I could pull this off!

The boots are a "no go" for me, but the rest is cute!

Another outfit for work.

This looks good, but I'm not totally sold on the boots.

Not 100% sold on the magenta top, but I like the rest! The shoes are either super cute or super ugly, I can't decide. Right now I think they are cute!

Love this, minus the earrings.

As stylish as these above outfits are, I'm sure most of my fall will be spent wearing something like this:

Source: via Rachel on Pinterest

What is your favorite "fall fashion"?



  1. What I LOVE about fall is boots. I love tights and skirts with boots and jeans with boots...oh yeah, and I have a slight addiction to scarves in the fall too! LOL

  2. those outfits are fantastic! i want them all :)

    i love Fall!!

  3. I'm a Pinterest junkie too! (o: And I love creating those outfits. Did you make those yourself at Polyvore? That site is even more addicting! I love scarves for fall and just the earthy colors. You should check out my boards. (o; I've made a few fun fallish outfits too!

  4. LOVE these outfits, so cute. But like you, I will most likely be spending my time in yoga pants and a hoodie ;)

  5. I love the first one, although I'm too short (and "curvy" lol) to pull off skinny jeans and knee-high boots. But you could totally do it!!

    And yes, my usual is a hoodie and jeans/sweats. I love lounging in sweats once it gets cool!! :)

  6. Yes! Yes! Yes! Love all of your outfits! So cute!

  7. OOH! Love all of these outfit combos. My have is the leather jacket, leather boots, peacock earrings. For some reason, I've been really into the peacock print lately. It seems like it's everywhere!

  8. ahhh great choices girl :) plus love the background of your blog- hugeeeeee audrey fan!

  9. No. 1 and No. 4 are my favorites, but what do I know about fashion! ANYway, no surprise to see the Rangers shirt. Up here, it's polar fleece for the entire winter. lol

  10. Love all of it, but more than that- I love that you are on Pinterest! It is so addicting
