
Friday, September 30, 2011

Fabulous Fall Blog Challenge- Day 10

Fabulous Fall Blog Challenge

Day 10: Thanksgiving Memories

Like I've mentioned many times before, I come from a big family. Thanksgiving is the one time we try and all get together. That can mean as many as 40 people. Thanksgiving usually starts with me and my mom watching the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade while my dad complains that they show the hosts and guests too much and not enough of the parade. I agree. I think one channel should just show the parade. I don't care what guest from a TV show has stopped by to talk about their Thanksgiving traditions. I want to see the Snoopy balloon and Santa float!

My family does more of a Thanksgiving lunch (we try and eat before the football starts). After we eat, there is the football watching crowd in the living room around the TV, a football game being played outside by some of my nephews (and sometimes a niece or two), a few that opt to take a nap and then a group that sits around and talks. There are some "floaters" that go between all the groups. I'm sure it shocks you, but I'm usually in front of the TV watching football. 

My sister Martha went to Texas A&M, so Thanksgiving night we usually watch the University of Texas/Texas A&M game. I think it's the only football game she watches all year. At some point Thanksgiving weekend, Martha and I will kick off the official Christmas movie watching season and watch It's A Wonderful Life together. Last year we started the Christmas decorating as well, that sometimes happens Thanksgiving weekend and sometimes doesn't, it just depends. Both my sister and folks (who live by each other) get live Christmas trees, so we go to a little farm just outside the town they live in and cut it down (well, I personally don't cut it down, but you know what I mean).

Since I'm not insane or crazy, I pass on shopping the day after Thanksgiving. Nothing is worth getting up at 3am and risking my life. I went one year and almost got killed by a lady in Target who thought I wanted something she did. I just was standing by a shelf, minding my own business waiting on my sister Mary, and this crazy woman pushed me out of the way. No thank you.

Here are some pictures from last Thanksgiving! 

My great-nephew E watching the parade with his GiGi (my mom)
My three brothers. The one in the middle (I call him Bubba) is the reason I'm such a big sports fan! :)
Some of my nephews playing a little "pre-lunch" football. Yes, the one in black is my nephew. He's older than me.
My niece A showing the boys how to punt the football.
A small portion of the family waiting on lunch.
My great-nephew C making sure the strawberries were okay to eat!
We put names on the cups.
My mom told everyone they had to fill up a bag of pecans if they wanted any pecan pies at Christmas. She hates for pecans to go to waste on the ground.
My beautiful niece-in-law and my great-nephew B patiently waiting on lunch.
Part of the football watching crowd.
My folks with their six kids.
E and Aunt Rachel looking at Christmas trees
I promise I'm going to try and spend tomorrow getting caught up on blog reading. It's been SO CRAZY lately. I can't comment on blogs from my phone, and lately I haven't been logging onto my computer at home. That is what I plan to do tomorrow!

XOXO! Have a great weekend!!


  1. I love the pics! You guys look like such a fun family :) I think it's adorable that your mom makes everyone pick up pecans too. I'm SO glad I'm not the only one with old nieces & nephews, HA! My oldest niece is about to make me a great aunt, I'm not sure how I feel about that.. ;)

  2. I love that your mom is wearing a rangers jersey in that picture. Haha. Your family is so cute!! :)

  3. We always watch the UT/A&M game too!
