
Wednesday, August 24, 2011

What I'm Loving Wednesday and 30 DBC Day 24

Day 24: Something you've learned

I've learned a lot. I learned recently that a watched pot never boils. NEITHER does a pot sitting on a burner that is NOT turned on (we all have blonde moments, let's move on!) ;)

It's been a while since I've done this, so, here is my What I'm Loving Wednesday!

I'm loving... It's a great website (or app). You can listen to music (you just pick an artist or song you want to hear similar music of and it will play unlimited songs- with very few 30 second "commercial" interruptions). It's like Pandora (but I think I like better than Pandora). And the best part- it's free! I love free stuff!

I'm loving...

That THIS movie is coming out in November. Yes, I'm 33 years old and I still love the Muppets! ;)

I'm loving...

That all my tweeting about Taco Cabana has paid off. They sent me a message asking for my address and they sent me coupons for two free meals. Score!

I'm loving...

The HOV lane. It's really nice on days when the main lanes are stopped that my carpool and I can just move on through. What would take 15-25 minutes only takes us 5 (unless you get behind someone going 30 mph in the HOV lane, but that is a venting session for another day)! ;)

I'm loving...

That last Friday my friend B and I were able to go to Six Flags and basically walk on every ride with no wait (I think the longest we waited was maybe 5 minutes). Of course, it WAS 107 degrees. I guess no one else was crazy enough to be out there. And yes, I did get my picture taken with Tweety Bird!

I'm loving...

The Penguins app my friend Donny told me to download. There is some place in California that keeps cameras on their penguin area. They are so cute. Nothing like penguins to make you smile when having a bad day! This picture is a little blurry because it's a screen print from my phone. They have three cameras, two on "land" and one under water.

I'm loving...

That I have next Friday off work, giving me a 4-day Labor Day weekend. Wahoo! You can't see it, but I'm dancing right now. :)

What are YOU loving today?



  1. Oh MY! I never watch the pots...LOL haha....and yes we all have blonde moments! I love that lane...we don't have them here...that would be nice! i love your pretty self! have missed you! thanks for these little updates! xo

  2. Glad you had fun at Six Flags. And Smoke Screen is amazing I love that book!

  3. It is great that you car pool! Nobody I know at work is from my town. They are all from the north and I'm from the south! Oh well there usually isn't much traffic.

  4. Can't wait for the Muppets movie!! Esp since Jason Segel is in it (he's so hilarious).

    I wish I had a carpool!

  5. We can't wait to see the muppets!!

  6. I am so excited for the Muppets movie!!!

  7. Great post. I always love to see your inner-12 year old come out. You're the second adult I've seen who wants to see the Muppets movie.
