
Thursday, August 18, 2011

It's Ok Thursday and 30 DBC Day 18

Linking up with my girls Neely and Amber today for "It's Ok" Thursday.
It's OK...

...that some of my friends just don't "get" Twitter and make fun of me for having an account. There are 694 people who care what I have to tweet about.
...that I prefer real books over electronic readers.
...that I don't like Starbucks.
...that I sigh a little when I see this Joe Mauer commercial.

...that I'm 33 and not married.
...that there are days I feel like pushing a co-worker out the window.
...that I'm a little (okay, A LOT,) out of shape and no longer look this good in a two-piece.

...that I'm excited because most of my TV shows are starting up next month (except Psych, which starts in October).
...that I don't like reality shows.
...that I'm looking forward to Labor Day weekend because I plan to do nothing except stay at home by myself and watch movies. (I need a "me" weekend).
...that I've been so busy lately that I haven't been able to comment on all of my favorite blogs (I promise I'm trying to catch up eventually!)

So, what's OK with you today? Link up at A Complete Waste of Makeup or Brunch With Amber!

On to the 30 Day Blog Challenge for the day... 

Day 18: Something you regret
Not being able to say goodbye.

My friends over at For the Love of Blogs have some great blog hops going on. Check all of them out here.

Almost to the weekend my sweet friends!! Hang in there!



  1. No one who isn't on twitter gets twitter. Then you land there and realize it's a magical, wonderful place.

    I love how you spell starbucks with an apostrophe. ;)

    Lucky you and your "me" weekend. Those are my faves!

  2. great blog you have!!

    i am bummed that psych isn't starting until october too! i love me some sean and gus!

    "me" time is sometimes the best time :)

    happy thursday!

  3. Love twitter who cares that other people say;) Love your list and your blog now following!!!

  4. I prefer real books too! There is something about having a real book with real pages - plus I am a worrier and I worry about the radiation from the e-reader, lol.

    I just became your newest follower! I would love for you to check out the blog I just started with my sister and follow us back!

    Also, check out the giveaway that we are doing for a Tiffany & Co. necklace!



  5. OF course its ok that you arent married! Im not either!!

  6. People who don't care about twitter need to get with it. I'm with Katie - it's a magical land! :) You rock for linking up with us girl!
