
Monday, August 8, 2011

30 DBC- Days 6, 7 and 8

Sorry, this weekend I had company in town so I wasn't able to update my blog on Saturday or Sunday. So today you get three days worth of my 30 Day Blog Challenge!

Day 6: A picture of something that makes you happy

This picture of my great-nephews C and E making cookies makes me smile. I'm so excited I get to see them this weekend. C is turning 3 years old! And yes, he is wearing a Rangers shirt! :)

Day 7: Favorite movies

Mary Poppins: this is the movie that introduced me to Dick Van Dyke (I was 4 years old). Since then, he has been my favorite actor! And yes, I CAN say supercalifragilisticexpialidocious backwards! ;)

Breakfast at Tiffany's: It wasn't the first Audrey Hepburn movie I ever saw (that would be My Fair Lady), but one of my favorites! :) Wasn't George Peppard a looker back then? ;)

Harvey: I LOVE Jimmy Stewart. He does such a good job in this movie!

Day 8: A place you've traveled to

Wow, I've traveled to a lot of places. I guess I'll put New York (although that trip was four years ago!) It's the furthest from home that I've traveled.

Having breakfast at Tiffany's!
Times Square
Heading out to see Lady Liberty
In front of old Yankee Stadium. If you are a Yankees fan, or my mother, please do not try to read what my sign says. I forgot to bring a marker, so I had to use a pen, the sign didn't show up well.

For those who have asked, I have NOT forgotten about the Brad Paisley concert recap. Hopefully tomorrow!!

Have a great Monday!



  1. You are so very pretty! i wish i could go to NYC some day----never been even though we lived in NY all my life, LOL!!! we can always smile when we see those little guys! too cute, rangers shirts and all! ps: never apologize for leaving us in limbo---we all need breaks, feels good eh?

  2. Such a great idea for a post :) LOVE IT ALL! Happy to have found your blog.

  3. I love Jimmy Stewart but haven't ever seen Harvey.

    Let me guess-- your sign said "I love the Yankees!!!" :)

  4. Katie:

    First of all, next time you are in town, we are so watching Harvey! It's great! :)

    Second: Um no. But it does say "Yankees" followed by another four letter word! ;)


  5. I agree the Yankees suck! Great pics

  6. You know, I was perfectly nice to your team while I was there. I didn't say anything at all inappropriate about them... LOL. ;)

  7. I know what your handwritten sign says, NY Yankees are the BOMB!! Go Yankeess! You left that wide open. You should have used a marker. hehehehehehe! ♥ ya!
