
Friday, August 26, 2011

30 DBC Day 26 and Five Question Friday!

Along with my new blog layout, I also have some new buttons over to the right sidebar. I wanted to mention one in my post today. My friend Brian lives in New York and is trying to raise money to help the Special Olympics. If you would be interested in helping him reach his goal, please click on the button and make a donation. Even if you don't live in New York, it benefits all athletes in the Special Olympics! :)

Day 26: A picture of your family

Since my family is so big, there are very few pictures of all of us. Here is a picture of my folks with their six kids last year at Thanksgiving!

I haven't done Five Question Friday in AGES, so I thought I would participate again!

1. Did you make any fun purchases this week?
Yes, in fact, it was just made this morning. A buddy of mine emailed saying he heard that Dick Van Dyke and his brother Jerry were going to be in Dallas doing a play next month. For anyone new to my blog: Dick Van Dyke is my FAVORITE actor of all time. I did a quick Google search and found out it was true (I was hoping he wasn't toying with my emotions). I found a link to buy tickets and emailed it to him asking if he wanted to go. He said yes and actually went ahead and ordered the tickets right then (I'll pay him back). We are going to be on the SECOND row from the stage, stage right. I'm beyond excited right now. If there is any opportunity to meet him, you can bet I'll find a way. Click here for the article about it.

2. If you could go to any musical concert, what would it be?
I want to see George Strait in concert. I had tickets one time, but wasn't able to go (painful memory, I'd rather not talk about it). I would like if Garth Brooks would tour again, I would totally go see him. Obviously, I never got to see Frank Sinatra or Elvis Presley in concert- that would have been cool!

3. What is your least favorite and most favorite house chore?
Let's be serious. Who really LIKES doing chores? I guess my least favorite is sweeping/mopping. Although doing the dishes is a close second. I honestly can't say I have a favorite chore. I do like when I clean out my closet (but only because I feel the need to go buy new clothes). :)

4. Would you prefer new appliances or clothes?
Um, hello....CLOTHES!

5. Miracle Whip or Mayo?Oh gag, neither. Blek. The only time I will EVER send back a hamburger at a restaurant is if I ask for no mayo and it's on there. It doesn't matter how much you wipe it off, you can still taste it.

Hope everyone has a great weekend!!



  1. Ugh, I hate doing the dishes. Whoever invented paper plates was a genius.

  2. Oh, I didn't think about theoretical concerts, that was a great idea and probably would have changed up how I answered the question.

  3. your answers are great girl :) George Straight of course! Ps I'm so happy you wrote me! I'm def a new follower and am writing you back asap! loved your sweet letter in the mail!
