
Wednesday, June 22, 2011

What I'm Loving Wednesday!

I'm loving...

My...Texas...Rangers. Hopefully they are getting out of their "slump". I was at the game Monday night and last night. Monday night Craig Gentry started in center field (Go #TeamGentry) and had a great game with an RBI double and three stolen bases. (Humor me, pretend you care). :)

A view from our seats. His profile picture doesn't do him justice, not that you can tell from this picture.

My niece Katie and a friend of hers came up for the game, they had a lot of fun. We got Nelson Cruz bobbleheads and the Rangers went on to win 8-3.**happy dance**

Late yesterday I got a call from my VP's office that there were two extra tickets for the Ballpark suite if I wanted them (like I would say no!!) :) Mitch Moreland hit a walk-off home run in the bottom of the 11th inning for a 5-4 win over the Houston Astros (by this time there were only 4 of us left in the 30 person suite- we are dedicated fans!) His home run came literally about 20 minutes before a severe thunderstorm hit the Ballpark. My friend and I made it to our car with about 5 minutes to spare before the storm hit. Whew!

Also, last night a world record was set at the Ballpark and I'm proud to say I was there for it. We set the world record for most people wearing sunglasses in the dark (I know, they'll think of anything to put in the book, won't they?) After the 6th inning, they asked that everyone put on sunglasses (we had to wear them for 10 minutes). They had handed out these "groovy" looking shades for us to wear. Click here for the article about it.

"I wear my sunglasses at night..."
I'm loving...

This giveaway from my lovely friend Judy over at Cranberry Morning. She makes wonderful handcrafted soaps and is giving away four bars to one lucky reader. I don't want to post pictures of them without her permission, so click here to see all her handcrafted soaps. They are awesome!

I'm loving...

That my flex day was switched from Friday to today (a co-worker needed Friday off this week, so I switched days with her). Being out late Monday night and last night at the Ballpark is catching up with me. I'm off work at 11:30 today and am looking forward to a nap! :)

I'm loving...

That on Sunday night....

My friend Mel...
And my friend Monica...

will be here...

to see these guys...

Oh yes, 12 year old Rachel is doing cartwheels.

No, we didn't score FREE tickets, but we got really, really, cheap tickets. And yes, my iPod has been rocking NKOTB and BSB songs all week. Deal with it!! ;)

Hope everyone has a great week!! We are halfway to the weekend, hang in there!



  1. I saw that the game had a dramatic ending last night! Glad you guys got out before the storm. And I'm so jealous still about NKOTBSB!!!

  2. You will super sparkly love the concert!!

  3. I don't remember signing the waiver to allow a reproduction of my likeness to be posted here. Bwahahaha!!!! I am still on a baseball high from last nights game. Thank you again for the invite. I had so much fun. B.G.E!!!!!

  4. UMMM WHHHHAAAATTTT? You actually ended up getting tickets? You lucky duck! A very thorough blog post will be in order!

  5. Just wanted to say, my brother was wearing his Rangers "claw" and "antlers" shirt today and it made me think of you :-)

    Also, two of my sisters are thrilled to get to go see the NKOTB and BSB in concert this month, too.

    Have fun!
