
Thursday, May 19, 2011

Thursday 13- Birthday Wish List

For some reason Blogger moved this from May 12 to May 19...I don't know why....

With my 33rd birthday approaching faster than a runaway train, I thought for my Thursday 13 I would make a wish list of things I would like to get for my birthday. For those playing along at home, my birthday is in 11 days. ;)

1. My Lucky Life In and Out of Show Business: A Memoir by Dick Van Dyke. I know, no one is surprised this is first on my list. :) I LOVE all of the publicity his book is getting. He's been on numerous talk shows over the past few weeks talking about it. I even forced myself to watch The View so I could see him (for the record, I only watched the segment he was on, those ladies are so annoying!!)
2. Texas Rangers iPhone cover. My Texas. My Rangers.
3. Breakfast at Tiffany's Little Black purse. I already have a few Audrey Hepburn purses, but a girl can NEVER have too many purses, right?? ;)

4. Anna to the Infinite Power DVD. I'm not a huge Sci-Fi person, but I LOVED this movie when I was younger. I watched it all the time. It's FINALLY on DVD!
 5. Yahtzee Elvis (Can). I like Yahtzee, I like Elvis. It's the best of both worlds! :)

6. Audrey Hepburn tote. Like I said, a girl can never have too many purses!

7. Fitzwilly DVD. I saw this a few years ago on Turner Classic Movies. Dick Van Dyke was great in it! And it has Agent 99 from Get Smart in it too!

10. The Next Voice You Hear DVD. I saw this movie on AMC or maybe TCM when I was a teenager. I love it. I have a worn out VHS copy of it, it's FINALLY on DVD. It's a great movie. It has a very young Nancy Davis in it (you probably know her better as Nancy Reagan.) 
 11. Half Price Books gift card. I LOVE to read. I know, it's all about "electronic reading devices" these days, but I still like holding a real book. I can spend hours in a book store (nerd alert). And I love HPB because I can get a lot of books for a reasonable price (I bought 8 books for under $20 once!) :)

12. Dr Pepper Bottle Clock. I love this. I think it's greatness!! :) Yes, I would totally have this up in my apartment.

13. Tickets to the June 26 New Kids on the Block concert at the AAC. I know, I can't believe I just admitted it either. I would never pay for tickets to see them, BUT I would totally go if I had free tickets. Since a 12 year old Rachel never got to see them in concert (even though she really wanted to), I figured a 33 year old Rachel should go.

Me at age 12, holding my nephew James and rocking out in my NKOTB shirt! And rolled up cut-offs. Awesome.
For more Thursday 13 blogs, go here.

Stop by For the Love of Blogs and meet some new friends today for Thirsty Thursday!! Cheers!!



  1. You love Dick Van Dyke AND Elvis? Impeccable taste, my friend! And I would love to go see NKOTB and I would pay...;-)

  2. I just moved to Texas!! Love your love for the Rangers!!

  3. I love Elvis too! I forgot about the Anna, I used to watch that too! I also like holding a book in my hand. I do not own or want a digital reader. I hope you get all the things you desire! Have a great one friend! ♥ BJ
