
Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Blogger Woes

If you are a fellow user of Blogger, you understand that last week we had some "issues" with our blogs. Posts were disappearing. Comments were disappearing. I couldn't log in to post comments on other blogs. I've been afraid to update my blog the past few days, fearing that my post would all of a sudden be gone. I'm going to give it a shot today though. I hope y'all see this! FYI: If you commented on one of my posts last week, please be sure it's still there. I love reading your comments, I don't want to overlook any!!

So, anyways, I had a great weekend spending time with some of my family that lives in the Dallas area. It's sad that we live about 25 minutes from each other, yet, we don't see each other as much as I wish. I know, life happens, people get busy, but still. We are going to try and be better and set aside time at least every OTHER month for dinner or something.

On Saturday I went to a birthday party for my cousin's daughters (their birthdays are close together). It was so much fun! I enjoyed spending time with the family. Sunday his oldest daughter had a dance recital, so I met up with them for that too. Oh yes, pictures. Of course I took pictures!! :)

Birthday girl Emmy waiting patiently to eat her cupcake

Birthday girl Madison- I can't believe she is already 8!!

Their big brother A.J. taking a picture with Ray-Ray (that is what my cousin's kids call me). In fact, if you call me Rachel, they will say,  "No, that is Ray-Ray."
After Madison's dance recital on Sunday. She did such a good job! And her outfit was super cute!
Me and my cousin Jason- causing trouble together since the late 1970's! :) 
Me and Jason's wife Rachael. She is the sweetest person ever!
So when I wasn't hanging out with family this past weekend, I was cleaning my apartment. My friend Katie will be here for her Texas visit in TWO days! Be prepared next week for a full recap of our adventures!!

Have a great day!



  1. You had a busy and fun weekend! Enjoy your time with your buddy. Make some memories!!

  2. I'm glad you weren't scared away by Blogger for too long! As soon as it came back I did a quick post just in case it stopped working again haha

  3. This blogger mess is about to get on my nerves! :)

    But I'm glad you had a good weekend!

  4. Fortunately, it appears that they've fixed it all. But all comments from my post last Thursday are still missing. Guess they're never coming back. :( Looks like a fun weekend with your fam! At least that made up for it. :)

  5. I agree. If I go to all the trouble to write a blog post I want it to stay put! Ha!

  6. What cute pics! I love the nickname Ray-Ray. And I'm glad Blogger finally got their issues straightened out!

  7. Yea I think last week we were all going through a a lot with all of the blogger issues, but we survived and here we are..

    Glad to see how nice your weekend was and I can't wait to hear all about your adventure with your friend..



  8. 2 things. First- I am really excited to see a post with both you AND Katie, 2 of my faves! ANNNNDDD, I decided you should adopt me as your neice. Thanks.
