
Monday, April 18, 2011

Weekend recaps

Since I was a bad blogger lazy insanely busy last week, I didn't get to do a weekend recap of my many misadventures. Oh, the exciting life I lead! :) So, you get a double dose today, my weekend adventures from this past weekend AND the weekend before last.

I'll start with the weekend before last. That Friday I spent the evening hanging out with my wonderful date and his brothers.
My date for the evening- Brayden. Isn't he the cutest thing? :)
It was a nice evening. We had Chick Fil-A for supper (including chocolate milkshakes for dessert) and watched an iCarly marathon on Nickelodeon. It actually went better than a lot of dates I've been on! ;) Seriously, he and his three brothers are the sweetest kids I know. I love spending time with them!

That Saturday I spent most of the day cleaning my apartment and putting up some new shelves in my kitchen and bathroom. I even organized my necklaces (I have an insane number of necklaces, they were everywhere. Now they are somewhat organized).
My necklaces on the wall and counter. If you look in the mirror you can kinda see the reflection of my new white shelves. Yes, I write on my mirror. I have Jeremiah 29:11 written at the top. :)
A friend of mine called me that evening asking if I wanted to go for a motorcycle ride with him. I said absolutely (I may or may not have been bugging suggesting that we go for a ride for a while now). It was fun! No, I don't do the driving. I just hold on and pray! :)

Getting ready for the bike ride- I don't know what I always pose like this when I take my own picture! :)
Bad to the bone
Proof for my mother that I did wear a helmet!
I can't remember what I did that Sunday (how sad, it was only a week ago). I think after church I was just lazy and watched the Rangers game on TV. I might have read a little too. I try and keep Sundays afternoons as a peaceful time of doing nothing.

This past weekend I spent Friday evening working on my World Series scrapbook (I'm doing a scrapbook of Game 3, which is the game I went to). I got three pages completed this weekend (well, one of those was done Friday, the other two on Sunday). I keep forgetting how time consuming scrapbooks are! It's not as easy as it seems!

One of the completed pages of my scrapbook- I met my friend Kat at the game- we call each other "soul sistas".
Saturday morning I got up about 9 (yes, I was up that early) to head to Kohl's for a little shopping spree (I had a $50 Kohl's gift card I've been waiting to use, and since they were having an "early bird" sale, and I had a 30% off coupon, I felt it was perfect time to use it!) I was able to buy a lot of stuff, including my Easter dress! I love love love Kohl's! :) (side note: pictures of the Easter dress will be up next week).
That afternoon I went to Arlington to see my beautiful niece Lydia compete in a solo and ensemble Color Guard competition. I think she did a great job!! She looked wonderful!

Me and my niece Lydia
Saturday night I met a friend at the American Airlines Center for my first ever Mavs playoff game! It was an exciting game! We had nice seats too (a big thank you for the ticket)! :)

This was maybe an hour before tip-off.
A view from our seats
Gotta love free souvenirs!
Yesterday after church I had lunch with one of my "besties" (we've both been so busy I haven't seen her in like 5 months. Which is sad since we live like 15 minutes from each other). We were roommates in college so I've known her a long time. It was great catching up! After that, I spent the rest of the day reading and working on my scrapbook.

So there you go, now you know why I've been so absent in my blogging. I swear I'm trying to get better. I'll try and set aside time to update it. Maybe I'll try and challenge myself to update at least once a day (we'll see how that goes). 

Hope everyone is doing great! If you are visiting from my Twitter page (I have gotten a good number of new followers over the past few days), thanks for stopping by!! :)



  1. I wish I had scrapbooks, but I am SO NOT creatively gifted.

    Glad you made it back alive on the motorcycle!

  2. I have SO many necklaces. I use 2 tie racks to hang them all on. It works well. I LOVE scrapbooking! I'm so behind b/c I don't have enough time to keep up w/ that and blogging. I need to get paid the same salary to work less time so I have more time for my hobbies. Haha

  3. An i-carly marathon with such a sweet date - lovely! And motorcycle rides are awesome! Looking fab girl!
    Seems like a lot of fun things are going on!
    Have a wonderful week!
    Hugs xxx

  4. I get miffed when I realize how long its been since I've seen some of my "besties" some times. Why does it get so hard when we are adults? Back in college I saw them several times a week! It's embarrassing...
    Also, nice job with the organizing!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Sure sounds like a busy but fun few days :) sometimes scheduling a post or two ahead helps to stay on a consistent pattern of blogging. It definitely helps me!

  7. I think you are having far too much fun. LOL Looks like a great weekend. I used to have a scrapbook of all my baseball favorites. It would be worth a fortune now, but my mom threw it out when I left home. wah.
