
Sunday, March 6, 2011

Remember the Alamo!

Today marks the 175th anniversary of the fall of the Alamo (I think we've established that I'm a Texas history nerd!) :) I could list so many facts about the Alamo, but I have a feeling y'all might be tired of my history ramblings. :) But I will say this: what you see today is all that is left of what was once originally called Mission San Antonio de Valero (so if you visit the Alamo and it seems small, it's because that is all that is left of the mission.). The Alamo is located in San Antonio and is managed by the Daughters of the Republic of Texas. Admission is free, but donations are welcomed (and encouraged). If you ever visit Texas and make your way down to San Antonio, I highly recommend checking it out. It is one of the most popular historic sites in the United States (over 4 million people visit it each year).  

One more random note: the majority of the defenders of the Alamo were not from Texas (see here for a list of all of them and where they were from).

 Here are some pictures of the Alamo over the years and how it's changed.

Rare picture of the Alamo "chapel", taken around 1849. The familiar "humps" at the top of the current Alamo were not added until after 1850. Photo courtesy Alamo Images

Alamo buildings was used as Army supply depot, 1850-1870. Photo courtesy Alamo Images  

The Alamo and Hugo and Schmeltzer Building, ca 1890. Photo courtesy Alamo Images  

Alamo ca. 1900 and a nearby saloon. Photo courtesy Alamo Images

Alamo chapel and convent buildings in 1912. Photo courtesy Alamo Images  

Alamo Plaza ca. 1919. Photo courtesy Alamo Images

Alamo grounds 1937 showing demolition of surrounding buildings. Photo courtesy Alamo Images

Me and one of my "besties" Brandy at the Alamo in 2008

We were there the weekend of March 6, 2008. They always have a reenactment of the Battle of the Alamo that weekend. Here we are with one of the defenders of the Alamo. It might have been Davy Crockett, I'm not sure. He actually asked to be in our picture.
For more information on the Alamo, click here to visit the homepage


  1. These are the neatest photos!

  2. You know how much I love history so I LOVE these posts! I told my husband while I was reading this how badly I want to go see it. Did you know some historians are calling the battle as a draw? Seems so weird to me!

  3. Wow-- I love these old pics. So cool. How far is San Antonio from Dallas?

  4. Such an interesting history! I would love to visit the Alamo. And hopefully Davy Crockett will not be the official greeter. ;-)

  5. He wanted to be in a picture with two hotties. If I ever make it to Texas, I would love to visit the Alamo. I'm a history buff in general and love all that kind of stuff. Hope you have a great week friend! ♥ BJ
