
Thursday, February 17, 2011

Thankful Thursday

I received a sweet message on Twitter from my friend Veronica saying she was thankful for my kind spirit, sharing my love of baseball with her and putting a smile on her face. That is just what I needed to start the day! Thanks friend!! :)

It inspired me to list things I am thankful for (after my venting post yesterday). I need to stay positive in order to get through the rest of this week (just one more day)!! For more Thursday Thirteen posts, go here.

1. I am thankful that Jesus loves me. I'm glad someone does. He is definitely the only one who loves me all the time! Believe it or not, there are times when I'm NOT lovable (I know, I know, you are shocked at this!!) :)

2. I am thankful for my family. I hear/read stories about people who don't talk to their family or haven't spoken to family in years. I'm blessed to have a big, crazy, loving family. I talk to someone from my family every week. In fact, if I don't call my mother at least once a week, I get a phone call from her asking what was so important that I couldn't call my mother! :)

3. I am thankful that baseball season is just 43 days away (you might have noticed I put a countdown at the top of my blog for Rangers Opening Day!) :) I ordered a 10 pack of  Rangers games last week, and got Opening Day free! Wahoo! Pitchers and catchers reported to Spring Training yesterday, the rest of the team reports this weekend! :)

A view from the section I'll be sitting in on Opening Day (thank you for the seat view.)

4. I am thankful for my friends. All of you. Whether we hang out in person, or if we met through the blogging or Twitter world, I value all of your friendships!! XOXO!! 

5. I am thankful that the windows in my office don't open (if you follow me on Twitter, you'll understand why I'm saying that!)

6. I am thankful for modern technology such as digital cameras, smart phones and Facebook that allow my niece Ali to share pictures of my adorable great-nephews at any time! 

Aunt Rachel's sweet boys!
7. I am thankful that my sweet friend Pam called and offered to bring me lunch (I'm not able to take a lunch break today since I'm the only one in my department). Yum...Whataburger! XOXO Pam!!

8. I am thankful for funny forwards. I received one today that made me laugh. Here are a few pictures from it.

9. I am thankful for VH1 Classic (how many VH1 channels are there now? I just discovered this one.) They were running the best of the I Love the 80s series the other day. Something about that show sucks me in. I can't stop watching. Probably because with the exception of the early 80s, I remember everything they talk about! Oh, and last night VH1C was airing Dazed and Confused. Cult classic. I went to high school with one of the main stars of that movie!

10. I am thankful for Half Price Books. I LOVE to read. I love that I can spend $20 at Half Price Books and come away with like 10 books.  

11. I am thankful that my flex day is tomorrow (so I only work 3.5 hours) and I have a beautiful weekend to look forward to!

12. I am thankful that the husband of my BFF Mandy was sweet enough to take me out to dinner on Valentine's Day. He was in town for a few days and offered to take me out to dinner Monday night. Yes, my BFF was aware and gave us her blessings to go to dinner! :) No Lifetime movie plot here!

Hello beautiful. Quite possibly my favorite meal!
13. I am thankful that I am able to stream music online. is quite possibly my favorite music site!

Happy Thursday friends!! Please check out For the Love of Blogs and the Thirsty Thursday blog hop!! I'll be enjoying a large Dr Pepper from Whataburger as my drink today! :)


  1. If I EVER get to Texas (and I do plan one day to get there)...we are going to Whataburger...because it sounds like it would be my favorite place too! :)

  2. You're so lucky. We don't have a 1/2 Price Books around here.

  3. Love this post! And most of the things you love!
    That sign saying "My house was clean last week, sorry you missed it" really cracked me up! I need that!

  4. This is so sweet, I love you blog so much. Dont know if I have told you that lately;-) I was going to tell you all the numbers I loved but that would be all:-)

  5. Could I borrow your weather forecast for just one week? That sounds wonderful!

    I'm thankful for Half Price books too, just wish there were one closer than 2 hours from here. I could spend an afternoon in there!

  6. You have a lot to be thankful for this week! I love how you appreciate the small things. xo

  7. Woo hoo!! Baseball season is FINALLY back!

    And, I'v never used only Pandora. I'll have to check it out.

    Hope you have a great weekend!! :)
