
Monday, January 17, 2011

Monday, Monday...

I've been off-line since Friday late morning, so if you visited me on Friday from For the Love of Blogs or Five Question Friday, please bear with me, I promise to come visit your blogs soon (hopefully today)! I normally don't take so long to visit someone who stops by! :)

As some of you know (especially if you follow me on Twitter), I went out of town on Friday afternoon. My BFF Mandy had a baby shower this weekend so I went out of town for that. I also got to see some other friends I hadn't seen in a while. It was a lot of fun! I thought I would share some pictures of my trip.

Hanging out with Thomas and Kris, two of my buddies from college. Thomas always makes weird faces in pictures!

The crackers and cheese display at the baby shower. Texas, our Texas...all hail the mighty state...

With my sweet friend Kirk-we went to high school together. I hadn't seen him in a few years. This picture was after the conversation on how our 15 year high school reunion is this year. EEK!

My gifts for Mandy's baby. Yes, I got my non sports loving BFF a Texas Rangers shirt for her baby! ;)

But she loved it anyways! :) I will teach her daughter to love baseball. It's my civic duty!

Me and my friend Betsy (Mandy's little sister). I've known her since she was like 5 (I feel old!) I'm the reason she likes baseball (are you surprised??) :)

Me with Mandy and Kristin. I have been friends with them for almost 23 years. Where does the time go? Yes, Kristin's little guy is trying to hold my hand! ;)

Me and Ke'Tryk- another friend from college. 

Hanging out with my honorary little sister Jami and our friend Kristal (and their little ones). More peeps I've know over 20 years. I miss these gals!

So, my friend James David Carter did a cover on Garth Brooks' song "The Dance". I love this song! I wanted to share it with y'all today. If you want to know more about him, check out his Facebook page here or his Twitter page here. Tell him that I sent ya! :)

Hope everyone is having a great day! If you have today off work, I hope you are enjoying it. If you are at work like me, I hope you are surviving!!

Love and hugs!


  1. Looks like you had a great weekend! The Texas shaped cheese made me laugh out loud. That's awesome.

    And, of course it is our duty to pass on the love of all things sports to the next generation. I totally get it. :)

  2. Looks like so much fun- you look great in the photos! Glad you had fun and made it back safe. Maybe I will learn to love baseball more because of you? It could happen;-)

  3. Glad you made it back safely. I just wanted to say, this year would be my 15 year H.S. reunion also. :) Just sayin! Have a great week, I'll talk to you soon! BJ

  4. OK, seriously, I think that MLB owes you like a finder's fee for all of your recruits!

  5. What fun to see so many friends of the weekend! I think the baby shower gift was perfect, of course it is your duty to bring the love of baseball to those in your life!
