
Monday, January 31, 2011

It's Just Another Manic Monday... I was all pumped after my relaxing weekend of doing nothing but watching movies and TV and man, did my Monday start off crazy. Is it a full moon or something? My work day has been insane!! I'm thinking if anyone else bothers me today, I should just pull a "Nolan Ryan" on them. For those not familiar with baseball, please go here to view the video (MLB won't let me embed it here). Trust me, it's worth it. If you are having a bad day, it might make you feel better!

Nolan had the right idea of what to do if someone messes with you!

Speaking of Nolan (yes, we are on a first name basis, he calls me Rachel...well, if he knew me he would call me Rachel), today is his birthday! HAPPY 64th BIRTHDAY NOLAN!! Even if you aren't a Rangers fan (and if you aren't, you really should reconsider), you have to love Nolan Ryan. He's just awesome. I could list all his achievements and stats, but since most of you aren't as into obsessed passionate about baseball as I am, you can just go here if you want to see them. :)

The birthday boy!

Like I mentioned earlier, I spent all weekend watching movies/TV. Hey, we all deserve a "me" weekend every now and then. I needed some "down" time. In fact, # 90 on my 101 in 1001 list was to spend a day in bed. And I pretty much did that on Saturday (with the exception of going out to get food at one point). So, that is one more item on my list I can mark off. Wahoo! 

I finally saw The Proposal on Friday (yes, I'm WAY behind in my movie watching) and just have this to say about it: "Hello Ryan Reynolds!" ;) I'm thinking my life would probably be complete if I could get C.J. Wilson and Ryan Reynolds to fight over me. ;) Um...oh sorry, moving on...

So, I decided to start another blog this weekend. Part of my 101 in 1001 is to write reviews on books that I read. And since I just joined the Book Lovers Group on For The Love of Blogs, I thought it might be easier to put my reviews on a separate blog (just so it's a little more organized). I decided to also include movie reviews as well. I'll only update that blog for reviews, my regular ramblings will still be found here, so don't think I'm giving up this blog!! :)

If you are interested in my opinions of books/movies, please check out Reviews by Rachel here (I'm still working on it so excuse the mess- it still looks a little cluttered). I actually wrote my first review the other day. I FINALLY saw the movie Inception. What did I think of it? Click here to find out. FYI, I didn't post any spoilers in the review! :)

Hope everyone has a great week. I knew that bragging out the 75 degree weather this weekend was a bad idea. There is ice, sleet, snow and wind chills near zero in the forecast this week in Dallas. EEK!!



  1. That's funny, we're on a first name basis, and *i* call *you* Nolan. Of course, you asked me to. I always thought it was a little weird that you want to be called Nolan, but hey, happy to please :)

  2. Happy birthday, Nolan! And, yes-- CJ vs. Ryan Reynolds would be nice. I think I'd still take Ryan though. :)

  3. You can't have RyGuy. My friend Impy and I worked to break him and ScaJo up so I could have Scarlett and he could have RyGuy. We succeeded with part one; we're not sure how to proceed from this point though.

  4. I'll take your leftovers in the CJ vs Ryan fight...I'm that kind of friend! ;)

  5. Found you at Magical Monday and I am so glad I did. Great blog and I am a avid reader, look forward to reading your reviews.

    Happy Birthday Nolan! We love sports in our household, son plays baseball and football.


  6. I love that Bangles that takes me back. What should I know CJ Wilson from? Man he's a looker! Ryan Reynolds too, but I've know that since "Two Guys, A Girl, and A Pizza Place"...which was a way too long name for a series.

  7. Oh he's a baseball player. Man, I gotta start watching baseball! LOL

  8. Does your Manic Monday come with big hoopie ear rings and a red beret? :P

  9. You crack me up! Which one would you want to win the fight over you? I hope you have a great week, and karma is a b-0tch, :) 75 degrees, that would be so nice. I hope it doesn't get to bad though. Stay safe! xoxo BJ

  10. None of you get weather sympathy from me. I was in Boston on business all last week and had to deal with +10 ft. snow drifts, and had to dig my car out twice!

  11. Oh Ryan Reynolds . . . how I love you so! Lol! :-)

  12. You made me laugh!! Great post!!

  13. Love the bangles flashback!
