
Friday, January 21, 2011

It's Friday! Can I Get an Amen?

First of all, I wanted to let y'all know I created a "fan" page for my blog on Facebook. If you are interested in "liking" it, please go here (or search Randomness With Rachel). For those of you who have asked, if you "like" my page, I cannot see the information on your profile (unless you don't have it set to private).

Second of all, can I just say I'm so glad it's Friday. Good grief, what a week. I'm too excited that it's Friday to go into all the gory details of my week, but man, I'm glad it's the weekend. Do you have big plans? Anyone who lives in the Dallas area knows where I'll be this weekend: Rangers Fanfest. Oh yes my friends. Baseball season is around the corner (okay, it's still 70 days away-but it's getting closer). If you want to read of my adventures at last year's Fanfest, go here. You can bet that next week I will bore enlighten thrill bombard you with my adventures of Fanfest this year. It's supposed to be bigger and better. Wahoo!!

1. Where did you meet your spouse...
Okay, I'm not even writing that whole question out. I have yet to meet him. Although I'm 81.4 percent sure that Zachary Levi (from Chuck) is my soul mate (I have mentioned this on my blog before, many times in fact). ;)

He's so adorkable!

2. What is your favorite room in your house?
Probably my loft. I have a two story apartment. I have an upstairs room that I use as my sports memorabilia/craft room/storage for my rarely used pilates equipment. I love it! Yes, I know, I have a lot of Spurs stuff. I have mentioned before that I use to live in San Antonio. I also grew up hearing my dad and brothers cheer for them (my folks are from San Antonio). Don't worry Mavs friends, I like the Mavs too (even though I've been told that is a NBA sin- whatever!) ;)




3. Can you wiggle your ears?
Um, no. Can you?

4. What is your evening ritual?
It all depends on if I go out after work. The one thing that stays the same is that right before I got to bed, I wash my face, brush my teeth, read my Bible and then put in my mouth guard. Yeah, I grind my teeth in my sleep. My dentist has been yelling at me to make sure I wear my mouth guard at night. Can I just say it's the most unattractive thing ever? No, I won't take a picture of me wearing it! This is as close as you'll get!

5. How many hours of sleep do you need a night to function?
I aim for 8, but that rarely happens. I try and get anywhere from 6-7 hours, but that's only on a good night. I have had sleeping issues my whole life where I wake up during the night A LOT. Let's just say I'm very familiar with what is on TV between the hours of 2-6am. :(

And lastly, yesterday I received a Christmas present in the mail from my sweet friend Jillana. I LOVE this. I think I'm going to keep it out all year long!! :)

Hope everyone has a great weekend. Take some time and head over to For The Love of Blogs and meet some new friends today!!


  1. Yay another DFW blogger! The mister and I are hoping to make it out to the Ranger's FanFest this weekend as well. We are huge Rangers fan and can't wait for baseball season to get under way ♥

  2. Amen for Friday! I never thought it would get here! My "Blue Monday" seemed to drag on for the whole week!

    Have fun this weekend...I know you will be in Ranger heaven!

  3. Hi! I found your blog on FTLOB! I enjoyed looking at your blog. I'm in Northwest Arkansas so we are sort of in the same region! Hope to get to know you better! Happy Friday1

  4. Hi! I found your blog on FTLOB! I enjoyed looking at your blog. I'm in Northwest Arkansas so we are sort of in the same region! Hope to get to know you better! Happy Friday1

  5. Hi! I found your blog on FTLOB! I enjoyed looking at your blog. I'm in Northwest Arkansas so we are sort of in the same region! Hope to get to know you better! Happy Friday1

  6. Ok, I'm not sure if my comment went through 3 times or not. If it did, I'm so sorry!

  7. ahaha:) you da best! that sports room is da bomb! you truly are the best fan ever! i am soooo happy it is friday as well! so busy it's re-dick! too bad i can't come with you! ahhhhrggg:) i need a girls night! xoxo

  8. Ah, Zachary Levi... so pretty. :) Say hi to CJ for me this weekend at RangerFest!!

  9. Oh, I am so happy it's Friday as well! This has been a crazy week! Can't wait to sleep in tomorrow...I get to little sleep as's a pain in the butt!

    Have a great weekend!

    Hugs xxx

  10. Came across your blog via FTLOB and i was cracking up on the question "how did you met your spouse", I love your answer!! A girl can dream right! Following your blog!

  11. I sure hope you never have to move, just like I sure hope I'll never have to move. Imagine packing...

    Have a great weekend! :-)

  12. AMEN!! :)

    Hi Rachel I am a new follower and i have to know what you think of the SleepRight Dental Guard!?!? Just saw the dentist this past week and she is talking about something similar that is $800+……


  13. Ugh- I never get enough sleep either. I put off going to bed and always want to wake up early to do something instead of sleeping...

  14. Oh my gosh, I scrolled down to the picture before I read your answer to the spouse question and thought...HUBBA HUBBA! Her husband is FOXY! Hahahaha.

    TGIF. Following you now on Twitter too :)

  15. Zach Levi? Really?! I personally think you can do better. Nontheless, I say you send him a video message or something. Any guy who knows what a sports fan you are is going to fall head over heels instantly!
