
Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Wednesday Ramblings

I know, I know, I'm slacking on updating my blog. My deepest apologies sweet friends. Work has been crazy busy, and honestly, I just don't feel like getting on my computer when I get home. :( In fact, last weekend I didn't turn on my computer at all (I know, that is so unusual for me). I had a "Rachel weekend" and took some time for myself (I've been so busy I just needed time to not do anything). I spent the weekend reading some new books (if you like suspense/mysteries, you gotta check out Allison Brennan and Roxanne St. Claire-they are awesome). And I also spent entirely too much time watching NCIS (yes, another crime show.) It was the only one I didn't really watch, but I caught a few reruns last week on the USA network, and now I'm hooked. I think I watched about 18 hours worth last weekend (USA had a marathon). I've come to the conclusion that even though Mark Harmon is old enough to be my father, he is one good looking man! Of course my favorite character is the nerdy guy (McGee). Are you really surprised? You know I like nerds! :) He's adorkable! :)

Last week the one and only Dick Van Dyke appeared on the Craig Ferguson show. Have I mentioned that I absolutely love Mr. Van Dyke? Oh, I have? Well, I'm just reminding you!! He's so adorable! I love this interview!!

So I'm looking at my calendar in disbelief that it's TWO WEEKS until Thanksgiving. TWO WEEKS?? Seriously, where did this year go? I'm really looking forward to going to my folks and seeing my family. Thanksgiving is the holiday that we all try and get together. We usually have a late lunch for our Thanksgiving meal (I know some people have it at suppertime). After we eat, part of the family will go off to watch football on TV (although with the way the Cowboys are playing this year, I don't see that being a "must see" game). A football game usually breaks out in the front yard at some point between the "kids". Also Thanksgiving weekend is when my sister Martha and I kick off our Christmas movie watching with It's A Wonderful Life. We always make sure that we watch it for the first time of the season with each other. Last year we didn't get a chance to watch it at Thanksgiving so we both waited until I went home for Christmas to watch it together (it's one of my favorite Christmas movies!) I'm pretty sure I can quote the whole thing from memory!

My mom loves to start decorating for Christmas right after Thanksgiving (FYI-the apple doesn't fall from the tree), so she tries to get the Christmas tree up while I'm there so I can help decorate. Since I'll be out of town at my folks Thanksgiving weekend, I'm going to decorate my apartment the weekend before (yes, I'm one of "those" people that decorate before Thanksgiving). I'm only doing that because I'm so busy right after I get back from my folks, I know I won't have time then. I gotta prioritize! :)

So, do you have any Thanksgiving traditions? What does your family do?


  1. Wow, thanks for the shout out! I came over here from twitter, having recently started following you and found my name! Cool!

    Mark Harmon. Sigh. I met him once when I lived in LA and he took my (ridiculously hot) roommate on a date. I answered the door and just kind of stared. And probably drooled. This was many years ago, and he was even more gorgeous. Yum!

    Thanks for the props!


  2. My family makes this rediculously disgusting jello mold. Green jello, mayo, carrots, onions, and god knows what else.

    Only the older people eat it, but if it wasn't there I'd be totally bummed! :) I think I need to teach aidyn to like it so we can keep it going even after they are all gone :)

  3. I was just thinking about you today, wondering where you've been! :)

    I'm so looking forward to Thanksgiving, mostly because then I can put up my Christmas decorations without catching any slack! LOL You'll have to show off your Christmas decorations when they're up!

    Good for you for taking some time out for yourself!

  4. I got married on Thanksgiving Day, so it's obviously my very favorite holiday! This year we are doing a special 5-year celebration trip.

    Usually I make a big big dinner with all the trimmings... this year we'll be eating on the beach in Kauai, just the two of us. I think I'll manage...

    Hope you have a great Thanksgiving!

  5. For the past few years my BIL has had to work night shift on, we let them celebrate with his family ON Thanksgiving...and then we do our Thanksgiving on Friday. We don't mind and we usually end up going to see a movie on Thanksgiving and for some reason we always end up at Wal-Mart. Don't ask me why! :) It's nice & quiet...the calm before the storm of Black Friday...and we just look at the Christmas stuff. Pretty low key our way for Thanksgiving! :)

  6. I love decorating for Christmas so i anxiously wait for the turkey dinner to be over and rip everything out:) love's def great that you take time from the's much needed much as i miss you...your still on my mind and a very good friend doll!:) xoxo
