
Sunday, September 26, 2010

Blog Journal Day 26

Day 26: Your week, in great detail

I'm assuming this means last week. As I mentioned a few days ago, it was a rough week work wise. Besides work, I had an unusually "slow" week. I guess I'll start with last Sunday. I spent all day reading. I think I started reading about 1 or 2 in the afternoon and read until almost 9. My friend Martha gave me eight new books to read, so I started on that pile. A group of friends and I have our own personal "library" between all of us. We loan out books to each other all the time. One of my best friends has a key to my apartment and she'll email me to let me know she came by to borrow a book.

I discovered a new show on Monday night called The Event. It comes on NBC. Trust me, it's worth checking out! Tuesday night my friend Art and I went to a Stars preseason game. He has awesome season tickets. I'm spoiled for life! :) Just over two weeks until hockey season kicks off!!

Wednesday and Thursday I went home after work and just "chilled", watching TV (I know, pretty boring, huh). Friday was my "half" day at work and after a 1:30 doctor's appointment, I spent most of the afternoon reading (yes, again). :) I had been good about eating dinner at home every night (yes, I actually cooked), so I treated myself to Chick Fil-A for dinner Friday night. I then watched the Rangers beat up on the A's 10-3. If you read my post from yesterday you can see what I did on Saturday (I'm too lazy to retype it). Today I have enjoyed the "cooler" temperatures (it was only 75 today). When I left church at noon it was still cloudy (and windy) and it felt really nice. When the sun came out, it warmed up some, but I've still had my window opened all day. It's been a lot nicer than the 90 plus temperatures we've been experiencing since May. Welcome Fall! 

I'm not sure if that is the "great" detail it was asking for, but honestly last week was pretty slow for me (I needed a slow week, I tend to overdo it way too much!) :)


  1. I'm glad you reminded me of 'The Event.' I need to get the series pilot watched so I can see the second show tonight. It would be so nice to have something on TV that I like. We'll see how it goes. :-)

  2. I spent all afternoon reading was so nice! :) The first Sunday afternoon I've had "off" in a while!

    Hope your work week goes a little smoother this week!
