
Tuesday, July 27, 2010

My Wonderful Weekend!

I meant to post pictures yesterday of my weekend adventures, but alas, I never got around to it. I got home, cooked dinner, and got wrapped up in the original Superman movie (the one with Christopher Reeve). It has to have been almost 20 years since I've seen that movie. As much as I **heart** Dean Cain (who played Superman in the TV show Lois and Clark), I'll have to admit that Christopher Reeve was/is the best Superman.

Christopher Reeve (l) and Dean Cain (r)

Back to my weekend recap. I had a great weekend hanging out with my niece Alice. We haven't had a "girls weekend" in years, it was a lot of fun. We went to the Rangers game on Friday night and saw an awesome game. The Rangers beat the Angels 1-0. I think it was only the 9th time in Rangers history they had won 1-0 at The Ballpark (it was either the 5th or 9th time, I've read conflicting stats in different articles). C.J. Wilson pitched a great game- probably his best game all season in my opinion. I think he was trying to impress new Rangers pitcher Cliff Lee! : ) It was a sell-out crowd, it was almost like Opening Day. I didn't get our tickets until Friday, so the only thing available was the nose bleed section. But, like I usually do, we were able to sneak down closer in the 4th inning.

Saturday my niece twisted my arm and we went shopping at Kohl's (and when I say she twisted my arm, I mean she said, "hey, let's go to Kohl's, and I said, um, okay!" I **heart** Kohl's. After our shopping adventures we got ready for the Rascal Flatts concert. It was awesome! Five of my friends went with us (my friend Aaron was the lone guy- he didn't seem to mind too much).We had a blast! Chris Young, Kellie Pickler and John Rich opened for them. In between acts, we were "entertained" by three "less than sober" guys in front of us (they were there with their wives). Thankfully they weren't obnoxious drunks. Although at one point the wife of one of them scolded him for being too loud. It was kinda funny.

Anyways, like I said, Rascal Flatts was wonderful. This was the fifth time I've seen them in concert and they didn't disappoint. They sang a lot of their old songs, and a new one that is going to be on an upcoming album. LOVE THEM!!

Here are some pictures of my adventures this weekend!! Sorry there are so many! Hope you enjoy!!


A view from our seats that we got at the box office.

Me and my niece Alice.

I love this Chick Fil-A sign at the Ballpark!

A view from the seats we moved to in the 4th. ;)

Ran into my friends Bill and Annette- it was wonderful to see them! They were in town and called to see if I happened to be at the Ballpark (they know I go to a lot of games). :)

Final score 1-0 Rangers!
The fireworks show after the game was set to music from musicals. I loved it!

Me and my group of friends at the Rascal Flatts concert (and some random lady in the first row who wouldn't move. I like how the kid behind us is smiling for the picture).

Taking lots of pictures before the concert started.


After almost two hours of opening acts, Rascal Flatts takes the stage!

Joe Don Rooney, lead guitarist. I **heart** him. ;)

For their encore, they sang their hit, "Summer Nights"

Until next time...

Tuesday Tag-Along


  1. Hi Rachel!

    I'm a new follower from Tag-Along Tuesday and I just had a blast reading your blog!

    Bull dogs are amazing. My boxer has a friend named Sammy that's a bull dog- and that little bull dog showed Lucy how to play with a big ball that has in turn entertained and exhausted my little boxer pup! Go Bulldogs!

    Lucy's Human
    I'm a new follower from Tag-Along Tuesday! We had to come by and meet your little beagle. Your projects look wonderful!

    Lucy's Human

  2. Hi Rachel! Just browsing Tuesday Tagalong, finding some new blogs... new follower!

    I love baseball, and I LOOOVE Rascal Flatts! You've seen them 5 times?!?!?!? SO LUCKY!

  3. I have yet to see Rascal Flatts in concert - which is quite sad since I love them and have all of their CDs. )o: Maybe one of these days. *sigh*

  4. Hey I'm stopping by and following from TTA. I can't wait to start reading your posts!

    Your blog is so cute! Love the girl on the left! Adorable! :)

    Jami @Intentionally Living...

  5. I was getting ready to comment on everything you did and then I read the Rascal Flatts Concert you went to and my heart skipped a few beats.....:) AWWWWWW...I wanna marry Gary, even if he's already taken:) what a HUNK:) I love their on my list...I envy you(: I know it was a blast!

  6. Haven't you just about surpassed the quota of fun allowed in one weekend? ;-) Sounds like you packed a lot into a short time. :-)
    Glad you enjoyed it.

    P.S. I saved you some of that jicama salad. ;-)

  7. Rascal Flatts put on one of the best concerts I've ever been to. I've seen them three times in LA and each show gets better!! Love the acts that were with them too. And i'm not jealous. Nope, not one bit. :)~

  8. Fun Blog, New Follower!

  9. I *heart* Kohls too! :) It's my most favorite store!!! Looks like you had a great weekend with lots of fun!!!

  10. New Follower from FMBT! Cute blog, looks like you had a good weekend. Feel free to follow me back!
