Tuesday, July 6, 2010

My long weekend

I had a niece and nephew stay with me part of the weekend. After sitting in a two and a half rain delay at The Ballpark on Friday night, we finally got to see some baseball. And a fireworks show afterwards (which started at 1 a.m.) Can't say I've ever been at the Ballpark that late before! Saturday we went to visit another niece of mine that lives in the DFW area. She just got engaged  a few months ago (congrats Naomi!!) So we got to see her and meet her fiance. (Again, for newcomers to the blog, I have nieces and nephews close to my age.) :) So for today, I wanted to post some pictures of "The Weekend With Aunt Rachel". 

My niece Katie at The Ballpark

Waiting out the rain delay

My nephew Jonathan being silly!

The greatest aunt ever!! ;)

The late night fireworks show!

Me and my niece Naomi
A cousin reunion. They hadn't seen each other in almost 4 years!
Naomi and her fiance Bryson!

1 comment:

  1. AnonymousJuly 06, 2010

    New follower from TTA!
