
Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Wednesday Ramblings...

Oh so much to ramble about today. First of all, it was made official yesterday that the Dallas Stars hockey team would not offer long time player Mike Modano another contract. Mike held a press conference today saying he will weigh his options and either retire or see if another team wants to pick him up for next season. He has been playing hockey for 22 years. I personally would like to see him retire a Dallas Star, but I don't want him to pull a Brett Favre and retire, then decide in a few months to come back. 

So, in honor of Mike, I found a few videos on YouTube to share. Thanks for the memories Mike, best of luck!You will be missed!

This is highlights of his last game at the American Airlines Center in Dallas. He scored the winning goal. Very fitting!

Who says there is no crying in hockey?

If you go to minute 4:08 of this clip, you can see Mike's cameo in the Disney hockey classic The Mighty Ducks. Let's hope he doesn't try and take up acting when he retires! :)


So, today is the day that Twi-hards all over have been waiting on. The premier of Twilight Saga: Eclipse hit theaters at midnight last night (this morning?). No, I was not there (but according to Facebook status updates, I have a lot of friends who went). I'm actually going tomorrow night with a group of friends (including one friend who has come out of the "Twilight closet" as I call it. She's a fan now, she can deny it all she wants, but she likes the series now!) ;) Luv ya LC!

Who will Bella choose? Oh wait, I've read the books, I already know!! :)

Finally, I meant to post some of these pictures earlier this week but haven't had time. Last Saturday I got to go to a celebrity baseball game in Frisco. Ironically enough, part of the proceeds went to the Mike Modano Foundation, which helps improve the quality of life for at-risk and under-served children in the DFW area. It was a lot of fun. Mike Modano's "White Sox" beat the "Blue Sox" 12-8.

Mike Modano being interviewed before the game

Me and Donald Faison. He was on the TV show Scrubs. He was hilarious!

Me and Geoff Stults. He was on the TV show 7th Heaven and the movie She's Out of My League. He was a super sweet guy!

Me and my friend Beks waiting on the game to start. I'm wearing my Brazil cap (my parents got it for me when they were missionaries in Brazil). Since the USA got eliminated from The World Cup, I'm cheering for Brazil now!

Former Dallas Cowboys player Daryl "Moose" Johnston (in the blue)

Former football player (and Dancing With The Stars contestant) Warren Sapp

Dallas Mavericks player Jason Kidd

Happy Wednesday to all!! We are halfway through the week (although tomorrow is my "Friday" since I have a four day weekend!) ;)


  1. I love that you go to all this fun celebrity stuff...wish I had time to do stuff like that. Oh wait, I mean energy LOL

    And as for Mike Modano...the man's 40 years old! I can't see how these "old" guys can still play hockey. We just lost our big time defenseman in
    Anaheim (Scott Neidermayer) so we're a bit sad too!!

  2. I must take M to go see now...I never thought she'd be interested but she mentioned it yesterday:) Jason Kidd is kinda cute:) sucks you gotta work the weekend....bahhhhahhah!!! enjoy, I'm sure you'll have a great day!
