
Thursday, June 3, 2010

Thursday Thirteen

I realized this week that I haven't been on a "real" vacation since I went to New York City three years ago (and I was only there two days- I crammed as much into that weekend as I could!) So, for my Thursday Thirteen this week, I thought I would post 13 pictures from my trip to New York City back in 2007. HOPEFULLY this summer I'll take another vacation and have more current photos to share!

My first Subway ride 

Having "breakfast at Tiffany's" 

Me at the Museum of Modern Art, standing by my favorite Van Gogh painting, Starry Night

In Times Square

Hanging out with my friend Zachary on Broadway- we saw Les Miserables

At the ESPN Sportzone. They had a collage of baseball cards that displayed the image of Babe Ruth

On the ferry to see The Statue of Liberty

At the Ellis Island museum

Outside Yankee Stadium (the old one). To my Yankees friends: Please don't read the sign. ;) 
Go Rangers!!

The Sphere, a structure that once stood in the plaza by the World Trade Centers. Now a memorial for those who lost their lives in the 9/11 attacks.

Outside FAO Schwarz, the toy store made famous in the movie Big. This is where Tom Hanks "played" on the life size keyboard. It's still there, and cost only $250,000!

 At the NBA Store, comparing my hand to Tim Duncan's (of the San Antonio Spurs).

 In a New York City cab, heading to JKF airport to go back home to Texas! Yes, that is a Dr Pepper can I am holding. We had to look all over New York for it!


  1. Nice to see pictures of home.

    Hope you come back soon and I can tell you about "undiscovered" NYC.

  2. I love NYC... I went in 2008 and LOVED it... We did a lot of the same things! :) Great pictures!

  3. I love NYC too. And Les all time favorite show. I think I saw it 7 times but a friend of mine was also playing Eponine!

  4. i do miss the culture assuredly you look like its a memory maker !!sandy

  5. I grew up in Staten Island, NY and you've seen more of Manhattan that I did ... looks like you had a great time

  6. never been there but your pics do make me wanna

    Mush 13

  7. I love NYC! Haven't been in forever... Now I wanna go asap!! Great pics!
