
Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Summer Fun

A lot of my fellow blogging friends have been posting pictures of their families having fun in the sun. I don't have any kids of my own right now, but I do have nieces, nephews and great-nephews (for those of you new to my blog, I have nieces and nephews close to my age, and they have kids, so yes, I'm a great-aunt). A very YOUNG great-aunt I might add. ;) I borrowed some of these pictures from my niece of her kids having fun in the sun. I thought I would share them with you.

"C" having some fun on the Slip and Slide

"C" thought that the toys wanted to play in the water too

"E" having fun in the pool

"E" enjoys rolling around in the water

"E" takes a turn on the Slip and Slide. He's actually trying to get the beach ball

Yummy, Popsicles are good!

This is why we eat them outside. We can hose him off afterwards!

Can't quite reach...a little closer please.


"C" decided to share with the rhino.

 And the alligator

The Big 12 (Big 10, whatever it is called now), is well represented in our family. "C" also has a UT and a Texas Tech pacifier from other relatives. Football season can be very interesting in our family!

 Never too young to take control of the remote!
We call this the Veggie Tale stare


  1. So SO OS SO SO SO cute! I love the one with the pacifier ... even though it doesn't say Nebraska. :)

  2. Aw, how cute are there. You're such a proud Auntie! Love the popsicles, and i'm thinking we may need a slip and slide this year!!

  3. How CUTE!!! Totally going out to purchase a slim-n-slide and Popsicles for my kiddos tomorrow. Its been crazy hot here!

  4. Eating popsicles seems to be very serious business, lol!
