
Tuesday, June 8, 2010

My new room

So I spent the good part of my weekend cleaning and rearranging my "spare room". I have a two story apartment (my living room, kitchen, bathroom and bedroom are all downstairs). The upstairs "room" is really an open loft area that has been a storage area for my old computer and desk, piano keyboard, scrapbooking materials, and sports memorabilia. Since I now have a laptop, I decided I really didn't need a computer desk anymore (I rarely use my old computer), so I decided to donate the desk to Mission ArlingtonOn Saturday afternoon a friend of mine came over to help me move it downstairs into the back of my truck (not only do I have stairs in my apartment, I also live on the second floor. The desk is by no means "light" (thanks again Branson for taking time to stop by, I know you had a lot going on!!) :)

Here are the "before" pictures of my loft (you will see my "slightly used" pilates equipment is up there as well!)

Getting ready to move the desk downstairs.

The desk loaded in my truck and ready to go to Mission Arlington!

And here are the "after" pictures. I bought a few new shelves for some of my sports memorabilia. I also moved my all my craft materials up there (I also plastic canvas stitch). I bought some plastic storage drawers to store my scrapbook paper and yarn in. We'll see how long this organization lasts!! :)


  1. Wow! Good job. That looks great:)
    Now, can you come over and help me?

  2. Sure Debbie! Just provide the Dr Pepper!! :)
