
Friday, June 11, 2010

If you have a problem, if no one else can help...

Happy Friday friends!!

Welcome to all of those visiting today!!

Well, it's the Friday that my friend John has been anxiously waiting on for months now. The remake of the 80's classic TV show The A-Team hits theaters today. While I might not be AS excited as John is, I am looking forward to seeing it. As a "child of the 80's", I remember watching the TV show when I was younger. Granted, it won't be the same without the original cast, but hey, Liam Neeson and Bradley Cooper are not poor substitutes in my opinion! ;)

So, in honor of the movie (and for my friend John), here is the intro to the original The A-Team TV show. It does have a catchy theme song!!

Moving's 5 Question Friday! I kinda cheated a little with it today. I've only participated a couple of times and so instead of taking all the 5 Questions for today, I "cherry picked" questions from previous Fridays as well.

1. What song are you embarrassed to know the lyrics to?
Wow, I probably have a few that I would rather not admit that I know (but obviously I'm going to). Like the Walker, Texas Ranger theme song. And most of the songs from the first High School Musical movie.  I also know all the lyrics to Salt N Pepa's song Shoop (yah, picture a white girl trying to sing/rap this one, it's funny/an embarrassment to white people everywhere). Sorry, no video of that will EVER be posted online!

2. Did you ever go to summer camp?
I went to a church camp each summer, which was a week long. I was a member of Girls In Action (commonly called GA's). The best way to describe it is that its a Baptist version of the Girl Scouts. So anyways, I went to GA camp every year until I was like 12 or 13. When I finally got older (14) I became an Acteen. When I was 16, I was old enough to go to camp as an Acteen staffer (every GA dreams of the day she is old enough to be an Acteen staffer). We were basically camp counselors. I know, nerdy, but it was still fun!

3. Have you ever had a celebrity sighting?
Besides baseball players? Yes, I have. I go to a bunch of musicals in Dallas and sometimes famous people are touring with the show. A few years ago I got to meet Richard Thomas (best known as "John-Boy" in the TV show The Waltons) after his performance in 12 Angry Men. Yes, I like The Waltons. If you are familiar with my blog, this shouldn't surprise you!! :) And yes, I own them on DVD. I also met Tom Wopat, better known as Luke Duke from the TV show  The Dukes of Hazzard, a few years ago when he was in town touring with the musical Chicago. I didn't tell him I was a bigger fan of Bo Duke. ;)

Me and Richard Thomas

Me and my friend Mel with Tom Wopat

4. What is your favorite theme park? 
Well, seeing that the majority of the ones I've been to are 6 Flags related (I've been to the one in Arlington, San Antonio, Houston and Georgia), I guess I'll go with 6 Flags. Wait, I went to Opryland once when I was 12. But I'll still stick with 6 Flags. The best thing about living close to it is that I can get a season pass and just go for a few hours at a time (usually in the evenings when it's not 110 degrees). Remember those days when you would spend 12 hours at a theme park? After about 3 hours, I'm usually ready to leave. My body doesn't handle roller coasters as well as it used to (hello getting older)! Last year I took my nephew James to 6 Flags  when he came to visit 4th of July weekend (we went during the afternoon, then headed across the street for the Rangers game that night). We were there less than three hours and were ready to leave. Thankfully it wasn't too crowded so we got to ride about 6 or 7 rides (that's pretty good). Also since it was so hot (103 Fahrenheit to be exact), 6 Flags was giving out free ice water at all concession locations (which is something I think ALL places should do, especially in Texas where the temperature can easily be in the triple digits for weeks at a time).

My nephew James. I'm a responsible aunt, I made sure he was tall enough to ride the roller coaster!

Getting ready for the first drop on the Runaway Mine Train

Chillaxing with Bugs Bunny!
5. If you could be on a game show, which one would you choose?
I'm not a fan of game shows, and do my best to avoid them if I can. I think it has something to do with the fact that when I was little, my mother watched game shows all the time. The Price is Right, The $25,000 Pyramid, Press Your Luck (the "no whammy" show as I called it), and The Wheel of Fortune. To this day, I start twitching when I hear The Wheel of Fortune theme song. 

Have a great weekend y'all!!


  1. I love the "Walker" thing!

  2. No whammies No whammies!!! I loved that show!! LOL

    What's wrong with knowing the words to Shoop? ;) I think I know ALL the words to ALL the songs from Disney movies of the late 80s adn early 90s.

    I'm glad you liked Shrek, now I'm looking forward to seeing it! :)

    Have a great weekend

  3. I love your blog I will definitely come back and check it out more later gotta go to bed soon gotta work again tomorrow
    New Follower from Friendly Friday Follow

  4. you have the 5 questions mixed up somewhere along the line. #4 is the only correction question from this week, LOL :)

