
Friday, May 7, 2010

Happy Friday to all!!

First of all, I want to wish all of you who are mothers (or acting in the place of a mother) a VERY HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY! Thank you for all you do! :) I'm actually going "home" today to spend the weekend with my mom.

Second, welcome everyone visiting from The Girl Creative, Happy New Friend Friday! Sit back and enjoy your visit! Bonus points are available if you can follow my crazy train of thought!! :)

The Girl Creative

Well, today marks the end of the two year run of The Bonnie Hunt Show. I'm sad to see it go off the air. It was the first and only talk show I ever watched. Anyways, this week one of her last guests was none other than Mr. Dick Van Dyke (for those new to my blog, he's my favorite actor). It seems that Mr. Van Dyke has team up with Chad Smith (yes, the Chad Smith of the Red Hot Chili Peppers) to create a children's album titled, The Rhythm Train.

Turns out not only can Mr. Van Dyke sing and dance, he can also rap. Not bad for an 84 year old!

Well, what would a post of mine be without mentioning the Rangers. **deep sigh** The win last night put us back in first place (it was an ugly, roller coaster win, but a win nevertheless). We'll skip over the UGLY, GORY details of how our bullpen blew an 8 run lead. BUT, thanks to back-to-back homeruns by Josh Hamilton and Vladimir Guerrero in the 8th, the Rangers pulled off a 13-12 win. Being a Rangers fan is sometimes like being in an unhealthy relationship. You can't help but love them, despite the pain and heartache they sometimes bring you! : ) But I'm here, I'm committed to them. In sickness and in health, for better or for worse, in cold weather and in 100 plus degree weather, in wins and in losses, until death do us part.

Oh, and this just goes to show that checking Facebook periodically on my phone does pay off (for all of you that say I'm too "addicted" to my iPhone). :) While at the game I noticed that a friend's status mentioned that said she was at the game too. I commented that I was there as well, and she told me we should meet up, so I called her (we hadn't seen each other in like a year). It turned out there were empty seats by her and her family, so me and the friend I was with moved over by them. Here is a view from where we ended up sitting (thank you again Christy!!)

Our new view  

Ian Kinsler in the on deck circle. Good to have him back in a Rangers uniform!

Josh's homerun in the 8th to tie the game

Me and my friend Christy! I would like to think that me wearing my Hamilton T-shirt brought Josh good luck. He went 3-5 with 3 RBI's! :)

TGIF my friends!!


  1. I found you on New Friend Friday...LOVE your blog! I'm your newest follower! :)


  2. I love the Dick VanDyke Rhythm Train!
    I am following from Tuesday Tag-along. Please come visit me @
