
Friday, May 28, 2010

Five Question Friday

I have some blogging friends that participate in Five Question Friday, so I thought I would give it a shot this week!! First of all, welcome to all of those visiting today, thanks for stopping by!! :)

The Girl Creative

Five Question Friday

1. Is there something you've always wanted to try but just can't muster up the courage to actually do it?
If I haven't mentioned it before, I'm not a fan of flying. I can count on one hand how many times I've flown in my lifetime. The longest flight was from Texas to New York City a few years ago (about 3 hours). I REALLY want to go to Europe. I just need the courage to be on a plane for 8+ hours. I'm gonna do it, one day.

2. If you had $100 handed to you in cash without your significant other knowing about it, what would you spend it on?
Well, seeing that at this moment I don't have a boyfriend/husband, I would spend it on whatever I felt like! :) Maybe a new outfit, or two, from Kohl's. Or perhaps I would finally buy a new DVD player, my old one is starting to show its age.

3. What was your favorite piece of playground equipment as a child?
I always loved the swings. I remember in elementary school we would see who could swing the highest, then jump off. It was a lot of fun, unless you landed wrong on your foot or ankle.

4. Do you prefer a sweet or hearty breakfast?
It all depends on what is available. We have a cafeteria at my office, and some mornings I get a plate (to-go- carton) of eggs, bacon, hash browns, and toast, or a breakfast taco. But today, we had donuts in celebration of my birthday last week and a fellow co-workers birthday this weekend, so I pigged out on that! :) Yum...donuts!

5. Are you a Neat Freak or Messy Bessy?
I'm somewhere in between. I'm by NO MEANS a neat freak. Just ask any of my friends. BUT, it does get to a point where I go on a mad cleaning spree. I TRY and keep things neat and tidy, it usually lasts about a week or two. Don't get me wrong, it never gets to the point of "disgusting", I just have a lot of crap junk stuff, and my apartment is small. So, it looks messier than it actually is.

Have a great weekend y'all!!


  1. How cute! I love your little Garfield Happy Friday. Happy 5QF!

  2. Hi, I found you on New Friend Friday! Hope you can follow me back, too!

    Have a great weekend :)

  3. New FF follower! I love your blog-- especially how you have the month's baseball schedule right up front! I need to do this for the Yankees. :)

  4. Happy Friday to you as well. I am with you on the Kohls shopping it is one of my favorite stores

  5. Hi There!

    I came by for Thurs. 13, but this Fri post caught my attention, too. I also loved swings as a kid and Kohl's is my daughter's store, she insists. Enjoy your weekend and I hope you take advantage of the terrific Kohl's sales.(We're not affiliated w/ Kohls)

  6. I answered dvd player for number 2, too. I really need a new dvd player but it just isn't one of those things that I ever think about buying for whatever reason. I just recently discovered Kohl's and would really like to have a major shopping spree there at some point in the future, lol
