
Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Wednesday Ramblings...

After having Monday off work, my week is thrown off a bit (I'm not complaining though). I forgot that it was Wednesday already! And even better, my flex day this month is Thursday, so I only work 3.5 hours tomorrow. Wahoo! 

I give you another installment of my Wednesday Ramblings. I've had a great week so far (and not just because it's been a short work week and I got to go to Opening Day. And not because I'm going to another Rangers game tomorrow...and also on Saturday. Oh yes, I take my baseball VERY seriously!) :) It's been a week of smiles and laughs so far, so I'd like to continue that theme here.

So, in no particular order....more things that make me smile/laugh/giggle like a school girl.

First of all, this picture of me and my sweet little great-nephew makes me smile. He is so precious!! I got to spend time with him last weekend. Yes, I said great-nephew. For those who don't know me, I have nieces and nephews close to my age, and some of them are married and have children. I am a great-aunt. :)

Another Pearls Before Swine that I like:

Okay, I promise to one day NOT mention baseball in a blog post. It's not going to be today though (obviously). My friend Nathan posted this on his Facebook page earlier today. It stars baseball players Ian Kinsler (of the Texas Rangers) and Prince Fielder (of the Milwaukee Brewers) as well as actor Adam Scott.  I **heart** you Ian!! :)

For those who have never seen the USA network show Psych, you are missing out. It is Hi-lar-i-ous. Oh yes, that funny! I love Shawn and Gus!!

This week I was introduced to a new "nerd crush". Zachary Levi (star of the TV show Chuck, which I now am going to start watching), was a guest star on The Bonnie Hunt Show. A-DOR-A-BLE! His whole interview made me laugh!! Here is part 1 of that interview:

I know, I know, I'm a nerd, I can't help it!

Have a great one!!

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