
Friday, April 23, 2010

New Friend Friday...


The Girl Creative

It seems on the New Friend Friday website the question of the week is:

What is (are) your favorite TV show(s)?

This is going to get embarrassing. I have more "shows" that I watch now than I have in my entire life. Due to my constant busy schedule (thank you for the little "life" that I have), I don't always get to watch them the night they are on. Thank goodness for a DVR. So, here you go (please don't judge me). I'm literally hanging my head in shame, but I think this will explain why my DVR's memory is constantly full.

-The Big Bang Theory (I love, love love Jim Parsons, AKA, Dr. Sheldon Cooper)
-CSI: Miami (I enjoy making fun of David Caruso)
-CSI: NY (I LOVE Gary Sinise. He's an awesome actor, and musician!)
-CSI: Crime Scene Investigation (I know, I watch all three of the CSIs. Personally, this one is my favorite). :)
-LOST (only FOUR episodes left before the series finale. SO MANY QUESTIONS ARE LEFT UNANSWERED! But I did find out the series finale will be on my birthday! :)
-V (okay, I actually have only watched 3 episodes of this one, the rest are on my DVR. I plan to catch up, eventually. Maybe this summer while there are only reruns on. And yes, I'm talking about the new one, not the one from the 80s!)
-Criminal Minds (those close to me know my reason for loving this show!) ;)
-Psych (although it's in the "off season" right now. The USA Network has weird TV schedules. The new "season" will start in July or August).
-The Mentalist (I actually feel guilty watching this one. It's like I'm cheating on Shawn and Gus from Psych. For those who don't watch either show, they are very similar. Psych was the first one to air, and The Mentalist has a very similar scenerio. Psych makes fun of The Mentalist a lot!)
-Ghost Whisperer (although I feel this one has jumped the shark. The past season has just been too weird).

I know, I have an unhealthy addiction to crime shows. I guess it started when I was younger and would watch Murder, She Wrote with my parents. :)

Anyways, happy Friday, thanks for stopping by! I'm going to leave you today with this HI-LAR-I-OUS cartoon my sister Mary sent me! It made me laugh!!



  1. Visiting from New Friend Friday at The Girl Creative. Just wondering if you've been sitting in my living room... you and I watch almost all the same shows or I should say you watch all the same shows I USED to watch. I have a little girl who is now 2 and almost 2 months and I don't get to watch much TV unless she's asleep but I LOVE all the CSIs and I just saw my first episode of Parenthood which was also worth the effort of trying to watch. Thank God for re-runs and Hulu.

  2. That cartoon is too funny! Thanks for stopping by my blog, i'm a texas girl myself!

  3. Hey there ~ I'm visiting from New Friend Friday at The Girl Creative ~ I'm following your blog now ~ have a great weekend! Em.

  4. I forgot about Psych! I should go back and add that one to my list.

    I posted about V too. It's great! Although I have to admit it freaks me out a little. LOL

    Great list!

  5. I forgot about Psych! I should go back and add that one to my list.

    I posted about V too. It's great! Although I have to admit it freaks me out a little. LOL

    Great list!

  6. Thanks for visiting my blog. I look forward to reading your posts!

    Love the Disney Desperate Housewives...that's funny.

  7. I enjoyed your blog. Very insightful
    Hope you will find blessings on mine
    Jesus Lives, Bob West

  8. I don't think you should feel guilty about watching The Mentalist... I watch that show AND Psych, and love them both. And I DO like how Psych makes fun of The Mentalist too!!

  9. Thanks for stopping by my blog! I am now following back! I like Chuck the best right now!
    Looking forward to getting to know you!
